PA R. T II. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. . Thirdly, That our Meetings be conitantly begun and ended with Prayer ro ' be made by the Moderator pro tempore, who at the firft Meeting is to bechotenfor the Meeting next following, and fo continually for the better orderingof our ' Meetings and Debates. Fourthly, That no private Matters be propounded in our General Meetings ° but by the Moderator, and that not whileany Publick Bufinefs is' in debate, with- `out the leave and confent of the whole Society, or the major part. 'Fifthly, That any Brother that thall be willing to joyn hereafter into this So- ' ciety, may upon the fame Terms be freely accepted into this Brotherly Agree- ` ment. The .Independant Churches alto in Ireland, led by Dr. Winter Pallor oftheir Church in Dublin, affociated withthe moderate Presbyterians there, upon thefe Pro- vocations; and the Perfwafionsof Col.`iobn Bridges ( my Neighbour ) : And they font us together their Defires of Correfpondency, with which our Anfwet is here fubjoyned. Honoured and Beloved Brethren in the Lord, T bath pleafd thegood bandof Heaven to bring into our Parts ;Mr much efteemedFriend IColl. Bridges, in much Mercy to oes ad; and by bim, as alfo byfeveral other bands to give ne tome acquaintance with the State of Cbrifl's Affairs among you : which very' much obliges us to Sympatbifewith you according to the feveral Adminiflrations of Provi- dence, as becomes the Relation of Fellosmen mbers andSubjeíls in Chrift's Kingdom. HA Return into your Parts affords us an Opportunity to ftgnify the fame, andhow much we de- fire tomanifeft it by real Demanfirations; throughthe good Will of him that dwelt in' the Bufh. In order thereuiero, we thought fit to teflify our Willingnefr to contribute our utmofi through bis Affiance, to the maintaining ofa Cbriflian Correfpondency between ne, that we may mutually receive and give the Right Hand of Fellowfhip, in a Seaton offo much need. Milli' the common-Enemyu flip labouring to divide and deflrey the Friends ofCbrtfl in allparts, it concerns us nearly to befo much the more indultrious endalive in the promo- ting ofChrift's Interefl againfl his Power and Policy, the bitter Fruits of uncbriflian Divi- fens we have too much tattedof, and through the Lord's Goodnefe.. have reaped alreadyfame Benefit, fen, our brotherly Affociatiole, wbereinto we enterednot longago. The prefent Con- dition ofGod's People inForeign Parts, as amongm, calle a loudfor a more cordial Union and Communion among all fuch who defire to fearhis Name. Ile therefore our Hearts De- fire, not to be wanting inour Faith andPrayers, Reflves and Endeavours to the fulfilling of tbofe exceeding great and precious Truths do eminently centre in thefe latter Days, that Chrift'sFriends may receiveone Mind and Heart, to ferve him with one Lip and Shoulder. We are thereby much encouraged to requeft your Chriflian Affiance, and Bro.. tberly Correfpondency, that we may allbe the better able in our feveral Stationsand Relati- ons to promote morevigoroufy the Interco ofChrifl and ofhis People. After the fadfhakings of this Land, and hie many turningsof things upfide down, the Lord is pleatd to promife ne a little Reviving, and to open aDoor ofHope, even in the Valley of Achor : Tour favou- rable help is thereforeearneflly craved, that Ireland may once more partake of theglad Ti- dings ofHeaven, and the wants ofmany Theufand ftarving Souls may befeafonablyfeppy'd with the Bread of Life. The particular of our Affairs Coll. Bridges will give you a more exalt Account of, andwill be ready to convey to us the Signification ofyour-`Chrifli- an Compliance with our longing Defire. To the Blelfmg of the mofi High wehumbly re- commendthecare of the feveral Nurferies ofCbriSt among you, that the Plants ofhis Houfe may flourifle in bisCourte, through the Supplies ofChrifi s Spirit, in whom we cordially de- fire to be and appear Your affeáionate Brethren Dublin p. M. 8. D. t65 ç. in the Bonds ofthe Golpe!, fully ç, to ferve you through Grace, Sam. Winter Pallor of the Church in Dublin. Claudius Gilbert Pallor of the Church at Limerick. Ed. Reynolds M. J. Warren M. Will. Markham; Tho.Osmonton M. In the Name of the officiatedChurches of Cbrifl in Ireland: Thefe for the Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter, Pallor of the Church of Chrift in Kiderminfler, to be by him communicated tothe feveral Churches ofthat Affociation. Z Our