i 74 The L I FE of f the Li B. Ì ` Thefe TermsI once propounded toone molt Reverend Prelate mownear you, who told me, That with moderate Men they might foRce for an Union. If ' you areof the fame Judgment Ishould have the ftronger hopes ; and if you are `not, I !hall the !boner let them fall. Were your leifure fuch as to admit of further trouble, I would crave a word ` for theRefolution of my ownJudgment in thefe Points : e. I am fatisfied that the Apoltles have Succetforsin allthofe Works that are of ` ftanding Necellity, and that Church - Government isoneof thole Works, and that its improbable that Chrilt should fettle one Species of Church-Government in the ` Apoftles Hands for an Age, and then change it for ever after, and that they that ` affirm fuch a Change mutt prove it ; and this Argument flicks cloth. But then ` I would crave one of your ftrongelt Arguments to prove ( though I know that ` the Presbyterians grant it) that indeed the Apoftles had a power by Office aò Govern the Seventy, or 'the Presbyters as inferiour Offers, betides the power ` thatthey had by the meer interelt of their Gifts, and pri eiledgeof being Eye- witneffes of the Works of Chrilt, and Ear-wimeffes ofhis Word, a, If the Apofties Examples will prove the Right of an unfixed Ambulatory ` Epifcopacy,yet I would fee how it appears that ever theywere fixed to particular Churches, orever any of them had adiftinsy and limitedDiocefs, where the rein ` had not Charge as well as they. 3. I am fatisfied that very early after the Apoltles the common Governmentof ` each Churchwas by a BibopandPresbytery : but I can yet fee no Evidencethat ` this Church for rgo or zoo Years wasany more than one Congregation ; likeone of our Parifhesfor number of People: which was Congregate in a City, and from the Circumjacent Villages, (as our Independant, or Anabaptift Churches now are) ; while the Multitude were Infidels. I would therefore crave one clear Proof that the firft fixedBishopsruled any more ftanding Congregations ( having ordinary Affemblies and Communion in the Lord's Supper) than one only. And whether the multiplying of Believers did not makea real Change of the former ' Species of Government, while the Bishop of the City took on him the Govern- ' ment of many Particular Churches, who had but one before; and when Bishops fhould have been multiplied as felt as Churches were, and as Presbyters were : ' Some Patfages in the eldelt Writers inclineme to thefe Thoughts, ofwhich ifthey be wrong, your Correction will be molt acceptable. May -Icrave, if not your Solutionofall thefe Doubts, yet at leafsyour Advice in the firlt Cate ofPra&ice, and your Pardonof my Boldnefs, I !hall undergreat Obligations remain Kiderminfter in Worcefterfhire AhumbleReverencer June 8. xógf. of your great Abilities and Dignity, Rich. Baxter. ' If you return any thing, Mt. Underhill at the Anchor and Bible in Paul's Church-yard will convey it me. To the veryReverend, andmuch Honoured, Dr. Brownrigg Bifhop of Exeter, liefe. Whereto theBithop made this fhort Reply: Worthy Sir, IHave received your kind and courteous Letter, the Evidence of your very; pious and peaceable Spirit, whichI heartily delire may be a Provocation to others to lead them in- to the ways of Peace. Sir, roar Efieemof me and ofmy Abilities ri the Errour ofyourLove, and ofthole that have reprefented me toyou in toogreat a Charatler, (quod non humiliter tantùm fed & veraciter dico) only IPA d&fzre to beferviceable to God and bao Church in what Iam able, Tour