P A R. T II. Reverend Mr. RichardBaxter. 175 Tour Letter camera my bands at the time of my removalfrom Highgate into the Coun- try, here I havecontinued many Months fuffering the trouble and pain of the Stone, which which bath put me into a long and tediow Courfe ofPhyfrck. Now I am upon my our- ney .homewards, from whence, God willing, I indi write toyou; being truly fenfible of your ReligioseEndeavoursfor fogood a Work as the Compofmg ofchef woful Rents made in this Church. The God of Truth and Peaceguide us into the Ways of Truth and Peace, to woof Grace and Blef ssg I do heartily recommendyou, rolling, SIR, Highgate, July I. 1655. Your very refpeetful Friend (who embraceth your Love, and returns his to you very heartily, Ra. Eaton. And not tong after I received thisAnfwer: WorthySir! ¡ Am indebted to you for an Anfwer toyour Inquiries which I received from you. It j fhould bave been more.needy, but in truth, I brought from London my crafre and ill - afetted Body, whichfine my coming home bath bred me much pain of the Stone, and ta- ien up my time in Hering thofe Difiempere, and ufsng the Remedie, preferibed to me. I have now feat you my Thoughts, which I doubt not butyou will receive as candidly as I impart them to you. The Age ra quarrelfome, but I apprehendyou as one of 'a peaceable Spi- rit, aiming only at the Settlement of our unhappy Diftrattions. The Godof Peacecompofe all our hearts to Peace, andmake the Rents of our Church to be the Matter of our chief Compafion. Charitas Eccle6æ omnes omnium Charitates infe compleetitur. Sir, I have font you my Anfwer written with amore legible band, and with fame regard of cafe to my Pelf in tranfcribing ; withmy very hearty love recommendedandaf[ured toyou,l com- mendyou to the Grace andBlefing of Almighty God rolling, Auftie in Hartfordnire, Your very refpeteful Friend, .yuy zr. 16fç. Ra. Exore. Bithop Brownrigg's Anfwer about Government. Prop. r. Your frfI Propofal is, In every Parifh where there are more Presbyters than oft¡ let one be the Chief, and bit Confent chiefly taken in the guidance of the Church. Anfw. r. This Cafe is rarely to be found in the ParifhesofEngland, nor can there be a fufficient Maintenance for a Pluralityof Presbyters in our Parochial Congre- gations,yetif fuch be found, it may bea good means to preferve Order and Peace; that the ordering ofAffairs, which !hall be referred to them, be managed by him that bath the Præfeetureof that Parifh , I with that in thofe Churches which befide the Incumbent have had Lecturers, thisRule had been obferved. Prop. z. Let many fucbCburebes be officiated (call it a Claffrsor whatyou will) and let the fitted Man be their Prefdent, as long as be ra ft, that is,during: life, unlef be deferve a removal. Anfw. z. This Propofal looks like our Rural Deaneries , or Choriepifcopal Or- der, which hath been laid much afide, but for the reducing of it, and to make it profitable, I with that it maybe bounded with fit Canons , prefcribing what they may do, and with intimation from the Bithop and hisInfpettion, and that fuch a Deanor Prefident may bé continued forLife, that being a means to breed Experi- ence, if he do not deferve a removal. Prop. 3;