Tí 78 The LIFE of the .1LIB.I. plying of Believers in the adjacentplaces requirefeveral Bithops in feveral Congre- gations, independent on the CityBifhop, but the ordinary Difcharge of chorePla- ces was committed to them in Subordination to the City-Bifhop, and Presbyters there altembled as occafion required : In this Cafeit fared with the Church as in Philofophy they fay, it is in the matter of Nutrition and Augmentation, where the form is not multiplied, but only extended adnovammateriam. There Anfwers not changing my Judgment, I made the following Notes upon them. Ad r. Every Church Prise magnitudinia e7 fpeciei Ihould be as great and no greater, than is capable of PERSONAL Communion, as our greater Pa- rithes ; and every Inch Church had of old aBifhop. OneAltar and one Bifhop was lgnarius't Note of one Church ; and fach a one may maintain divers Minifters; and the Rich Ihouldnot burden the Church for maintenance, but help freely. Ad z. This is a Prefident of a Synod of Bithops. Ad 3. I thank you for granting Presbyters tobeChurch-Reûors. Ad 4. If he bedwt a Prefident heis but a Bifhop Primi Ordinrl (of one Church) as the reff : But e¢114be the Rated Reaor of many Churches, he is really an Arch- hi(hop. Ad ç. This was written when our Diocefane Framewas taken down, to recon- cile them that were for, and them that were againfl fuchBifhops, pro tempore. Ifyou take liberty to cart off the Example of Cyprian's times, on pretence that the Cafe is altered by the Kings Laws, then you will never know where to refit while Lawsare alterable. Q. Whether the Pra6ticeof the Church till Cyprian's time be not a probable Notice to us what was the Apoltolical inftituted Govern- ment ? If not, whyufe you the Argument of Antiquity for Epifcopacy ? If yea, 9y. Whether Rulers they alter the Apoltolick Inftitution ? and the Office and work of Presbyters may be changed on pretence that now Bifhops can do it without them ? He that ever tryed true Difcipline will find one Parilh big enough for one Man's or divers Mens right Performance of it, and Sixhundred or a ThoufandParilhes too many. Alas ! do you think it Lawful toordaininfatñcient unmeet Men, if the Lawof the Land fo commandyou ; what then are Chrift's Laws for ? Ad. 6. Here I granted you the major of your grand Argument for Epilco- pacy. Ad 7. The Apoftles Superiority of Power I deny not ; but that thePower of the Keys was given to the Apoftles only, I deny. If Chrift immediately gave it to no other, yet by his Spirit he did, and by the Church-Law, whichhe left to be the Infrument of continuedconveyance andTitle, by which the Apoftles were to invert others with that Power ; which the Schoolmen ordinarily acknowledge to belong to Presbyters as fuch, who may ufe them to thePeople. Ad8. - I. De fade it isno whereproved truly that the Twelve orThirteen Apo- files did by content limit their Provinces; But contrarily, that they Officiated to- gether at ` erafalem; and Peter (if at Rome, as tome think he was) and Paulin the lameDiocefs at Rome, .Érc. and Pauland John atEpbefus, andTimothy alto (as is laid ). 2. If they had, this had been no fixing anymore Dioceffes in the World than Twelve or Thirteen; and whoever fence pretended. to fucceed them in chofe Twelve or Thirteen Dioceffes ? 3. And if followingBifhops or Princes fixt Dioceffes, that is nodivine nor un- alterable Law. 4. We never read that an Apofteeclaimed any Diocefs as proper to him, or for- bad any other to officiate in it, or blamed them for fo doing. T. It is certain that while they went themfelves from Country to Country, they fixed Bithops to every Church or City, ASP. x4.'2,3. Tit. r. ç, 6. Ad 9. r. The Apoftles fixed not Bifhops of the lowefl Rank, Vicátim nor Re. gionarim, but in every Church, whichwas then in every Citywhere were Chrifians ; even the fame Church that had Deacons and Presbyters fixed. 2. Bithops preached to Infidels to whom they- were not Bithops, but Preach- ers. ;. TheChriftians of neighbour Villages came to the City-Church ; and when they had Oratories or Chappels there, it madethem notanother Parifh; and ex- cluded not finch from perlènal Communion with theBishops Church, nor extend-