I:82 The L I E E of the L i B. I, Prop. r. We may not have that Peace which is proper to Chri/bians, much leg, that which , proper to Cbriflians in CburcbOrder, with any that deny Me Effentiáls ofChrii ti- anity. Prop. 2. As for rofe Anabaptifis that in zeal for their Opinion do endeavour the Ex- tirpatian of the Miniffry, or of tbofe òf them that are againFt their Opinions, or any other Way doattempt that which would tend to thesine or great damage of the Church, wemay not have that Peace andCommunion with theme'swith ino)ÿenfive Brethren, but mutt ad- month them as fcándaloue and grog Sinners, and avoid them , ifafter due admonition they defsft not, and repent not. Prop. g. Tbofe that deny. the Divine Inftitution , or prefent FxiFtence of Minigry, ár Wor(hip andOrdinances, orgoverned Churches, are uncapableofbeing Members of any true Political Church, andErgo, we cannot havefuèh Church-Communion with them; and be- caesfe their Doftriue is ofheinous Conference, as tending to the defiritaion of all Church- Order, Worfhip and Communion, we mull rej'ec`t them, if theyfhall teach it after due Admo. nition. Prop: 4. Asfor themthat think it unlawful to have Communion' with us , unlrß we will renounce our Infant Baptifm, and be rebaptized, we cannot have Communion with them, in that Cafesthough we would ; becaufe they refute it with no. Prop. q. We cannot lawfully difown the Truth of God, nor own their Erreurs for Communion with them; nor maywe yieldfor any fach Ends to be rebaptized. Prop. 6. We maynot lawfully be/llembersof a Church of Anabaptijis , feparated on that Account from others, (nor of any other unlawfully feparated Church,) nor ordinarily Communicate with them in their way of Separation, though we might be admitted to it without any other difowning the Truth or awning their Miftaloes. Except it were in a cafe of Neceffuy, (as iffucb aChurch were removed among Infidels or groß Hereticks ) where we couldhave nobetter Communionin worfhipping God. Prop, 7. If any one that Erretbbut in the bare Point of Infant Baptifm or other` Er- roars thatfubvert not the Cbriftian Faith, (Ñall yet take it to be his duty to propagate thofe Erroars, it will be the duty of every Orthodox Mintier, when be bath a Call and findeth is Neceflarys to defend the Truth ofrobErreurs, and to endeavour the eftablifbing ofthe Minds of the People, andnot to let _them go on without Controller Contradiction, left he be guilty of betraying the Truth and Peace of the Church, and the Saudi of the People who are ufually forely endangered hereby : The like 'mug be doneby Private Chrigians privately, or according to their Places andCapacities. So muchfor the Negative : The Affirmatives follow. Prop. r. The Common Love which is due to all Men, and the Common Peace which muff, be endeavoured with all, mull be held or endeavoured 'as to them that deny the Ellen- teals of Chriftianity. But, as is before faid, this is not it that the Queftion doth in- `tend. Prop. a. It is our Duty to do the belt we canto reclaim any Erroneous or Ungodly Per- fon from bas Errour or Impiety, that fo theymay be capable of that further Love and Peace and Communion with us, which in their prefemflats they are uncapableof, Prop. ;. Thofe that believe not fame Points that are neceffary to the Conftitation or Communion of Political Churches, ifyet they believe in Chrift, andworfhip Godfo far as they know his Will, and liveuprightly, may be true Chriftians , and fo to be efteemed, even when they make tbèmfelves :incapable of being Members of any Political Church. Prop. 4. Soma Anabaptifls and others that make tbemfelvesuncapablecf being Members of the fame particular Churches with us, or of local Communion in God's Warfhip, mayyet be acknowledged to be Cbriftian Societies, or truly particular Political Churches, though in tantum corrupt, andf:nfullyfeparated.. I mean that of all thaf that differ not from as in any Article of our Creed or Fundamental of Chriftian Religion, nor yet in any Fundamm- , tal of Church Policy : As e. g. tbofe that only rebaptize and deny Infant Baptifm, or alfo heldfame of the leg dangerous Points of Antinemsamfm or Pelagianifm ; but withal hold all the Fundamentals neceffary to Salvation, and Church Policyor Communion. Prop. S. Ifany Perlon difclaim bra Infant Baptifm, and be Re-baptized, and then having fo fatisfied hisConfcience, f Ball continue bis Communiànwith the Church where he was a Member, and not feparatefrom them, andfball profeßbis willingneß to embrace the'Truth as loon as be can difcern the Evidenceof it, and fba/ livepeaceably and inoffenfsvely under the Overßght of the Church-Guides, we may not Excludefah a onefrom our Communion, but 'mid' continue bim a Member of that particular Church, and live with bien in that love. and peace as is duc tofucb. _.Prop 6,