Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

PART II. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. Prop.6. Iffuch an one fhould altomiftake it to be his Duty, publickly to enterhis 'Vent to the Dal-trine of Infant Baptifm, andfo to acquiefce, and live gaietly under the overfrgght of the Miniffry, and in the Communion of that Church, be ought not to bo re- Prop. 7. It is our Duty to invite thole called Anabaptifts now among us, to loving familiar Conferences ; of purpofe r. Tonarrow our Differences asfar as is pofble, by a true ftating of them, that they teem notgreater than they are: 2. And to endeavour, if poffble yet to come nearer, by reilifyingof Mittakes: 3. And to confula bow to improve the Prin- ciples that we are all agreed in, to the Common Good, and to manage our remaining Diffe- rences in the me; peaceable manner , and to the lea' difturbance or hurt of the Church. Here comein two moreQueltions to be refolved: r.Howfhouldfucb a»Attempt he managed ? z. What hope is there of Succeß? For the firI, I !hall briefly give in my Thoughts in force Dire&ions. DireiP. s. Let the Attempt be made with none that deny the Principles ofChri- ftianity or Church -Communion ; but with thofe only that Err ; and have .fucb Errours as are tolerable. 2. Let only themolt Sober and Judicious be the Agents in this Attempt, who domanifell force efteem for the Honour of God and the Common Good, and a willingnefs to prefer thefe before any private Interefs of their own or any o- thers. g. Let prudent hands draw up all thole Points wherein we are agreed ( leaving the Difference no wider than it is ), and let there be all fubfcribed toby each Party. 4. Let all there Points wherein we are agreed be publilhed in our feveral Con- gregations, that the People may not, by our difagreementin other things, be ftag- gered in thefe, nor make that their pretence for any ungodly Principles or Pra&i- ces ; but may be the more alhamed ofthem, when they fee they are condemned by us all. y. Let us next agree to make there CommonTruths the common and ordinary Matter of our Preaching, and endeavour with our firft andgreateft diligence topro- mote them, and to perfwadeall our hearers to do the like. 6.Let eachParty openlydifown all thofe that reject the great and commonTruths, though they mayagree with m in thofe Particulars wherein we oppofe each other. And if they be intolerable Errours which they Err in, let us renounce their Com- munion. 7. Let usnext drawup the State of our Difference as clearly, and in as narrow room as is poLlible. 8. Lec as agree upon force neceffary Rules for the molt harmlefs managing of there Differences ; that the Common Truths and the Souls of Men may be as little hazardedby them asmay be, and the known and neceffary Duties of Chriftian Love and Communion, as little hindered. E. g. The moderate Anabaptifis that take not their Opinions to be a fufficient ground for Separation from our Churches, mayagree on fisch Terms as thefe fol lowing. T. Let there be no withdrawing from the Miniftry and Church ofthat Placeup: on the nicer groundof Baptifm. Ifthe Minifter be an Anabaptift, let not us with- draw from him on that ground, and if hebe a Padobaptift, let notthem withdraw from us. 2. If the Pallor be for or againft Infant Baptifm, and think he have a Call to deliver his Judgment, let not the private Member think he is ftill bound to con- tradiet him, orwithdraw; but having once publickly entered his diffent to that Do&rine, and protefted that his Prefence and Patience.doth not lignifie an Own- ingof it (if his Confcience urge him to go fo far), let himafterward acquiefce and walk refpe&fully, lovingly and obediently to the Bailors in all lawful things. g. Thofe that are fo moderate as to take Infants for Church Members, though not to be Baptized, let them openly make profellion of it. 4. Thofe that donot take them for Members, if yet they have any more hope of them than of Heathen Children, orthink it a Duty in any fort to dedicate them to God, let them bring them to the Congregation, and there in general profefs their hopes and the grounds of them, and either dedicate them to God, or pro- fefs. their willingnefs todo it to the utmoft of their Intereil and Capacity, and de- fireGod to accept them and bleB them. S, Les t83