I 84. The LIFE ofthe L B. I, ç. Let thofe that are for Infant Baptifm profefs that a Perfonal Faith and Re- pentance is of Neceffity to the Salvation ofallthat live to years ofDifcretion, and Baptifm without it will not ferve the turn. 6. Let all that are Baptized in Infancy, publickly own and renew that Covenant when they come to years of Difcretion, before they are admitted to the Lord's Supper. Thus far in Conlftency with the Principlesof the Moderate, we may yield to each orher,and fo hold Communion in the fame Congregations : and the praftice of this doth belongmolt to the People. But for thofethat joynSeparation to Anabaptifm, yet if theybe any thing mo- derate ( though they go much further from us than the reft ) we may agree on thefe following Terms withthem, to manage our Differences to the leaft wrong to the Church and Common Truths. R. n. Let uspromife to go no further fromeach others Communion, than after. feriousConfideration, our Confciences !hall tell us it is our Duty to do. z. Let us declare that though onepart be confident that Infant Baptifm is a Duty, and the otherthat it is a Sin, etwe judge that they that Err here, while they fin- cerely define, to know the Truth, may be laved, notwithfanding that Errour. ( What it will prove to the Children, if the Parent accept not the Covenant for them, anddevote them not to God, will be a hard difpute) which I !halt not now prefume to meddle in). ;. Let it be declared that we take each other for Chriftians, andChurches of Chrilt. 4. Let it be declared that we takethe rightlycalledMiniftryof each Churchfor trueMinifters. ç. If anyofeach others Flock !hall reproach or difown their Minigers and the Churchesthey are o ,meerly becaufe.of theirJudgment about Infant Baptifm,letthe contrary part, havingopportunity, reprove them fharply,and help to humble them, and bring them to the Confelfionof their Sin, and to Reformation; that foproud, unruly, ungodly Peoplemay not take flicker under either Party by themeansofany fa&ioufnefsor partiality of ours. 6. Let us never intrude into each others Charge without the Paftors Con. fens 7s Let us agree that we willnot preach for or againft Infant Baptifm, when our Confciences tell us that thePeoples ignorance of greater Truths, or their Ungod. linefsdoth require us to deal with them onmore weighty Points. 8. Let us preach as feldom for or againft Infant Baptifm, as Cònfcience will per- mit ; and particularly let that which herein we account the Truth, have but itsdue proportion of ourTime, compared with the multitude and greatnefi of other Truths. 9. Let thefe Points alfo have but an anfwerable proportionof our Zeal, that we make not People believe that they are greater Matters than they are. O. Let us not endeavour to reproach one another when we think we are bound to fpeak for our Opinions; that we make not each other uncapable of do= ing the People good. 2. As to the fecernd Queftion, What hope of Sacceß? I (hall not prefume to de. termine it : Let every Man conjeture as heTeethCaufe; for my own part , 1 am not quite out ofhope,offome meal-rueof Slicedwith forne few particularPerfons; butmy hopesare very low as to the generality. Objet. r. It is not our Duty to attempt a Work where there is no hope ofSucce : Anfw. The Cafe is not fodefperate as to excufe us from the Duty: A poffrbility with the lèaft probability may ferve tooblige us. Obje&. 2. What! Pull we confent to the F«uclußon ofInfants fromtheir Churches? Anfw. No; but confent to improve the common Truths, and perform our Du= ties even to (itch as -differ from us in this. Obje&. ;. There s, not one òf an hundred of them that will confent ro' thefe Terms. Anfw. If they willnor, who can help it? when we have tried them,wehave done our Duty, and left them without Excule. Obje&. 4. Shall we confeff 'a Schtfmatical Church for a true Church ? Anfw. Every Schism nulleth not the Church or Miniltry that is guilty of it:elle molt of the Churches in the World were nulled : If they rejeft the Effentials of a Church they are none. Object. ç.