186 he LIFE qfthe I, An Offer ofChriian fraternal Communion to the Brithren that are againfl , or doubtful about , Baptizing infants of Be. lievers. IT is our exceeding Joy that we have all one God, one Saviour, one-Spirit, one .A Faith, and one Baptifmal Covenant, one Rule ofFaith and Life, one End and Hope, and are Members of one Catholick Church, and agree about God's 'Wor_ 1hip in the molt and greateft parts : And it is our Grief, and the Matter of our great Humiliation, that we can come no nearer, and that by 'theRemnant3ófour Differences, the Wicked are fo hardened, the Weak offended, our 'Charity 'hin- dered, our holy Communion andmutual Edification dïfturbed, cur Minds difcon- pofed, and the Gofpel, the CatholickChurch, andour Saviour dilhonoured. La. milting this with thenett of our Unhappinefswhile we are in the Fleth, and ab- lent from the Lord the Centre of Perfe& Unity and Concord, and; knowing, it to be our Duty to walk by the fame Rule,and mind the fame things fo far as we have attained, and being taught of God to love one another, and obferÑing how fre- quently and urgently Brotherly Love, and Forbearance, atad ehe -Unity- and Con- cord of Chriftians, is preft in the holy Scriptures, and Urïcharitableneh andDi- vifions condemned, that as far as may be, we may promote our Common Ends of Chri(iianity, and with one -Mind and Mouth may glorifie God, We whole Names areunder-written do make this following Offer of Communion. « -n-' To all thofe:thatjoyn with 'us in the foregoing Profelíion of theChriflian Faith, and have been Baptized Once their Infant-Baptifm, as thinking it unlawful or infùfhcient, we offer tree Communion in our particular Churches, with leave to Enter your °diffentfiom our Infant-Bap:-ifm into the Church Regilter or Re- cords, fo be it you will thence-forth walk in that Love and Holinefs, and that O- bedience to the faithful Overfeersof the Flock, and that Concord and Brotherly Communion with the Church , as is required in the holy Scriptures ( according CO your powen), and will ;dill- Uncharirablenefs, Difcord and Divilions, and joyn with us in our Common Woik for the Common Ends. 2. To all thotè that joyn with us in the foregoing Profeflìonof Faith , though OM have been baptized fince their Infant-Baptifn , or think that Baptifin unlaw- ful, and dare not hold Local Communion with us in our particular Churches, we yrnt offer, that we may at that'diftancethat mir Infirmities have 'let us, maintain unfeigned Brotherly Love ,, and acknowledge ourfeveral Churches for Chriflian Congregations, and hold a Correfpondcncy by Delegates or other convenient Means, forthe flrengthening of each other; and obferve the Rules expreft in the followingOffer. ;. To all thofe that joyn with us in the foregoing Profeffron of Chriftianity, and yet, through their'tiiffent from our Baptizing the Infantsof Believers, dare not hold Local Communion with us, nor yet acknowledge our Churches to be true Inftituted ParticularChurches, we yet offer, r, That we may acknowledge each other for Members of Chrift , (fuppoftng the forefaid Profeflion of Chri- ifianity to be folemnly and credibly made ) and Members of the Church Univer- fàl. z. And that we may convene in the World together in a faithful Obfetvance of thefe following Rules. I. That we addi& our felves heartily to the promoting and exercifing of Bro- therly Love towards one another, and take heed of all things contrary thereto in Word and Deed. 2. That we addi& our felves to preferve the Unity or the' Church Catholick, and Concord of true Chrifteans, and the Common Intereft of the Godly, and to farther theCaulk of Chrilt in the World, and take heed offo managing our dif ferent Opinions as may be a hinderance to thefe. 3. That we ftudy and addi& our felves to promote the ConCerfion of ignorant ungodly People, and the building upof the Weak, and that we take great heed, kith' the managingof our different Opinions, or oppoing oneanother,we Mould hinder thefe Works, hardening the Wicked, and offending theWeak. ¢. That