P A ff T II: Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. t87 4. That we always in our elleem and indultry prefer the greater common Truths that we are all agreed in, before the leffer Points that we differ in : And that we takeheedof fo managing our Differences, publickly or privately, as may tend to hinder the Reception or Succefs ofthofe greater common Truths in which we are agreed. y. That we publifhOur Agreements, and profefsour ChriflianLove, and Re. folutions for Peace in our feveral Congregations, and profefs there our joynt dif owning and deteftation of all Errours, lSerefies, and Ungodlinefè, contrary to the Profelfron wherein we are agreed. 6. That we will not preach publickly for our differing Opinions in ea& others Congregations without the Paffor's confent, nor privately to fpeak for them , as is like to tend to the hinderance of God'sgreater Work inthat Place , nor hold any private Aífemblies in oneanothers Parifhes, which ¡hall bemore to thediftraeting ofeach others Societies, than forcommon ChriftianEdification. q. That in our Preaching and Conference, we will allow the greater and com- mon Truths fuch a proportion of our Time and Zeal and Speech, as the Nature,. Neceffity, and Numberdoth require, and not lay out inordinately fuch,an undue proportionof Zeal and Time andSpeech forour different Opinions, as ¡hall be in- . mrious to thole Truths. 8. That we will avoid in Publick and Private all unbrotherly, fcornful, re- proachful Speeches ofeach other; efpecially before ungodly People : And that we will not to them difhonour one anothers Miniftry, foas may hinder their profiting by it, but will rebuke all fach ungodly Perfons that we hear reproaching the Mini- fiers or Brethren of either part. 9. That we will not receive into any of our Churches, any Scandalous Perfons that fly from the Difciplineof other Churches , and pretehd a Chan a ofOpinion_ to cloak their Scandals, but will impartiallyhear what Accufations ¡hall be fent in againft them, and proceed accordingly. an. That we will upon any Defamations, or Accufations, or RumoursofInju- ry againft one another, or of violating our Profeffion by contrary Doctrine, or breaking this Agreement, be refpoMible to each other as Brethren , and will for. bear divulgingprivate or uncertainFaults, or cenfuringor reproachingone another; till we haveeither conferred together to give and receiveSatisfaetion, andduly ad- monilhed eachother, or tendered fuch Conferences and Admonitions feafoeably; till we fee they are wilfully rejedted; OFFERERS, Richard Baxter Paftor of theChurch at Rider; minfler. &C. &C. &C. x 7Ewhofe Names are Subfcribed, diffenting from Infant-Baptifm, heartily ac- VV cept this Offered Agreement, as followeth In the firft Rank. In the fecotid Rank. In the third Rank, Optatul Adv. Parm.1 3 U M qui ad Deum fi converfum effe profilai cii, Paganum votar ? -- Paganúsn vacar eum qui Deum Patron per filium ejarrante eram rogaeerit? Quiconque enirn crediderit, in nomme Patrie, Fslii & Spiritus Saníii, eredidit : Et ta ocra Paganum vo- cas peli confefonem Fidei. Si aliquid Cbriftianut ( quel abftt) anufquifque delira ueriti peccater dici poteil: Paganas iterum efe nonpaleo. Sedbac omniavolti nullias effi me. menti. At fi tibi ipfi confenfrit quern fiducia; ansia confenfru, dr manas tua porrettio ö pacca Verba, am tibi Cbriflianttm faciunt de Cbrifliano Et Ille volata videbitur Cbri- flianus, qui quadvaltir fecerit, non questa files adduxerit. Bbz i'