P A ß r II. Reverend Mr.RichardBaxter. 189 ReverendSir, ' Have adventured, accordingto my Promife, to fend you my Thoughtsof the I ready way of Agreement, between the Honeft and Moderate of the Presby- `sedan, Congregational, yea, andEpifcopal way. I purposely avoid the wording ` of a Form of Agreement, it being none of my Task; and such an Anticipation ` may dohurt ; and therefore I !hall give you only the Materials unpolished. Prop, I. About the Matter of particular Churches, as you exprefs noDifagree- ' ment, fo I findnone in the printed Debates ; and therefore take it for granted, . that weare at one : That cohabitingChrifians are the fit matter of fuels Churches; or vifsble Believers, yifible Saints, profeffmg Believers and Saints, &c. which come all to one. As to the Execution there will be a Difference even among Congregati- onal Men, or Presbyterians themfelves; according to their feveral Tempers, ` fomemore Charitable, tome more Cenforious, fome more Stria, andfome more Remiss. With the Anabaptills we are agreed of the Matter as to the Membra perfraa, ` (except with them that make re- baptifing effential ) but not as to Infants, who ` are Membra imperfec`ia. ` 2. We are agreed that every Chriftian (where such a Benefit may be had) should be or feek tobe a Member of fumeparticular Church, :and know his own Overfeers, and every overfeer Ihouldendeavour to.know allhis Flock. We are agreed that as föme Difcovery of on both Parts ( the Pagers ' and People) is neceffary to the being of the Members of a political, particular ' Church : So that the mart expreß Declaration of that Confent, is the molt plain and fatisfaaory Dealing, and molt obliging, and likeft to attainthe Ends; and therefore castori, paribus, where it may be had, is the bell. ' 4. We are agreed that all fit means should be tiled, even in the Determination of Circumftances, topreferve the Union and Peace of Chrifdans and Churches, ' and that ordinarily the boundingof Churches as to Habitation, is a meet means ` to theft Ends, and that ordinarilyParishes are fit Bounds : Or at leali we are ' agreed that thefe !hail be ordinarily taken for the Bounds to avoid Inconvenien- ' ties ; not including all in the Parisheo, but confining Churches to thofe Circa- ' its ordinarily. Yet we agree that this ordinaryRule hails its Exceptions ; asfor Example, I. If Parifhes be fo fpacious that all the People are not Co-habitants ' capable of the Ends of Communion. z. If the Parish be fo populous (of fit ` Perlons) as that there are more than are fit for a Particular Church. 3. If the Parish be fo (mall or bad, that there are not enough to be Materials of a Church, it may be joined by content to the next. q. If there be no Pallor, or none fit to be owned. ç. If any Ordinance be ftatedly wanting which may be had elle ` where, and is needful to the Person's Edification, and if he cannot procureit in the Church wherehe is, and yet cannot remove his Habitation to another, with- ' out more loss to himfelf and to the Chriftian Intereft,then iris like to receive by his joining to another without Removal. 6. If he cannot have perfonal Communi- ' on with themwithout his own aelual Sin, and yet cannot remove his Dwelling ' but as aforesaid. 7. 1f Difference in Lome fmall Opinion ill managed Ihall make him burdenfom to the Church where he is, who yet may livepeaceably with a ' NeighbourChurch of his Opinion and cannot remove out as, aforefaid. 8. To comprehend all in this General, we are agreed that no Man that is a Member of ' another Parish, Ihould be received into our Churches, where it canbeproved that it is to the Wrong ofthe common Good or Chriffian Intere/I, efpecially when he is a ' Member of another Church as well as anotherParish. The Sum is, Parifhes (hall be the ordinary Bounds, but in neceffary Ca is and no other, you Ihall except and be ` free from them. ` ç. Whereas the Presbyteriansfay, that theEcrle/ïa prima partirularis palifice, may ' confift of one only Congregation; and the Congregational fay, Rpm; confiftof one only Congregation : The licet shall yield to the opportac, and it will be agreed ` that de falto, our particular political Churches fhall confift but of one Congrega- ' tion ordinarily; allowing the Liberty either of Chappels or private Meetings for thofeof the Church, that by reafon of Age, Weaknefs, or other Impediments ` cannot alwaycome fofar asthe common Meeting oftheChurchiAnd confeguently we !hall agree that the Number ofa particular Church exceed not fo many as are ordinarily