P A x T Il. ReverendMr. Richard Baxter. I9Ì Unanimity; and fo to further the Succefs of our Labours ; to help the younger Miniftersby force profitable Exercifes, and to help one another by common Ad- ' vice, e(pecially in cafes of great difficulty. In general it !hall be for. Union and ` Communion of Churches and Paftors, and for the Benefit: that come by both. ` Being all agreed on this much, if any think that fuch Synods are alfoFor Di- redGovernment of particular Paj urs and Churches, as a higher governing Order or Power, filch Ihall keep that Opinion to themfelves, and not impo(è it on others as neceffary to our Agreement or Communion. Or if tbome that hold Synods to ' have a direA ruling Power over particular Paftors and Churches, and thole that hold them to have only an agreeing Power in order to Communion.: Or any ` of there (hall think that they are bound in Conference to declaretheir Principles in affociating and affembling,they ;hall all have Liberty to declare and regifter it, ` fo they will after go peaceably on in their Affociation ; though we defile rather that the Principles were.filenced. r S. But as weare agreed that it belongeth to there Conventions trodifcern and ` judge what particular Churches, Minifters, or other Persons are it or unfit for their common Communion when the Cognizance of it is neceffary, and this ex. `. tended Communion is a thing tobe valued and fought, fo confeguently.in order to fifth Ends, it is the Duty of particular Churches, Paftors, or other-Perlcns to render an account of their.Doctrines and Pra&ices to thelèAffembli es, -when up- ' on confide:able Accufations, or other ¡tiff Cade it is dewed. ` a6. If there Affetnblies in order to Unity or the Progrefs of Religion, Mall a agree in the Determination of fòme Circumflance, not expre(ly determined in a Scripture, Grppofing that the Determination ismeedfal and agreeable to the gene- ' ral Rules.of Scripture, every.Church and Pallor ought to Band to titis Agree- ` staent, for the fake of Concord, if they do not judge it to bea Sin that is agreed ` to, though they fee not the necefiity. E.g. The Time and Placeof their Con- ` vention muff be agreed on by them, and the leffer part muff yield to the greater ; or elfe by diffent, no time orpiace.swayever be agreed on : So that if the greater ` pare agree on one Traerflation ol.the-Bible; to be ufed in all theaffociated Church- ' es or on.one Vernonof the SingingPalms, it will tend much to Edification, and agrees with the Setiprure Commands of Unity. If therefore that which They agree on (èem.to a particular Church or Pallor nobetter than another Verfion, or feorce fo good ; yet for Unity (if itbe not unlawful, or like to be more hurt- ` fel than thelliverity will he ) they ought to concur. But frill be it remembred that theChurches Peaceor Unity !!could be laid by Agreements on nothing en- ' neceffary. And therefore all agreements may not be fconded with an avoiding all Diríenters. 17. Becaufe in the great Cafe [of taking Members from other Churches ór Pari'i :es j the Exception from the general Rule (of Parit Limits) cannot be fo enumerated as pun&ually to refolve each Doubt that may occur, letus fiat lay down what Rules or Exceptions we can agree on; at lea(t this general, that we `cuts! take no filchPcrfon into our Churches,when it tendeth more to the hurt than the furtherance of the carnnton Good and Chriflian Caulk : And therefore that we win first bring the particular cafe to the Affociation, or at leáft be there refpon- tible concerning ir, as we are about other Church Affairs. Accordingly when any is aótually offended, that another hath taken a Member out of his or another's Church or Parilla, let the Affociation hear the cafe on both fides; and if they jù- ` ftirie the accufed there is anEnd; if not, they are to convince hint or them that they go againft fòme Rule of Scripture or Nature, e. g. againit the Honour of Chrilt, and good of the Churches or chriftian Catife. And if neither he no ` they can he convincednor brought to reform alter fuffrcient Admonition, it null be confidered whether thecafe be I's-nail and tollerable, or great and inrollerable Ifthe former, we mull bear with it, yet profefftng our Judgment againit it; if in- '.,tollerable, we mutt proceed to difclaim Communion with the guilty, and lb to exeldde them from the Affociation and common Communion; which yet mull not ` he done butin heinouscafes. And thus the particular cafes mutt be tryed and con- ` eluded as they fall out, for there is no laying down anyRule beforehand that bvRill fit all cafes particularly. 18. Thofefirß AJJúciations being compofed of filch Parlors and Churches as are near and within a capacity of filch Communion (as aförefaid) voluntarily combined, lhouldalto hold co refpondencewith Neighbour AJfocìarion, either by Delegates in force more general Meetings (as in each County one ); or at leaft, by