Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

194 The L' I FE of the L I B. I. By the Effablifhment of what is. contained in thefe Twelve Propofrtions or iIrticles following, the Churches in thefe ZQg_ tions may bave a Holy Communion , Peace and Concord, without any Wrong to the Confciences or Liberties of Presby- terians, Congregational, Epifcopal, or any other Chriflians. i. Orafmuch as God hath appointed Magifiracy and Miniffry, as Fun&ionsof F a different kind, but both neceffary to the welfare of Mankind, and both for the Church and the Salvationof Men, and the maintaining of due. Obedience toGod : Therefore let not eitherof them invade the Fun&ion of the other. Let Minifters have no Power of Violence,by inflicting Corporal Penalties or Mulfts ; nor be theJudges, ( though in Cafes of Heretie or Impiety ) who is to befo prmifh- ad, and who not : bat let them not bedenied to be the Minifters of Chrift , and Guidesof the Church : And therefore let the Word of God be their only Rule what they mutt Preach, and whom they muff Baptize , and receive into the Church, andto whom they mutt Adminifter the Lord's Supper, and whom they muff Reprove, Admonilh, RejeEt or Abfolve; and to for the reft of their Mini. Denial Work. And let notPrinces or Parliaments make them Rules, and tell them whom to admit "or rejes ; otherwife than from the Word of God; for according to this Rule we are bound to proceed whatever we fuller for it. But yet as the. Ma- giftrate is by us to be inftrueted, and guided according to the Word ofGod, fo we are by him to be commanded and punifhed if we offend. And therefore we ac- knowledge it his Duty to command us to Teach and Govern the Churches according to the Word of God, and to punilh us if we difobey,, and we muff fub- mit to tech commandsand punilhments. And therefore if the Parliamentfea calk to make any Laws, according to which their Judges and Officers (hall proceed in punifhing Minifters for Male.adminiftration, we (hall not difobey them, if agreeable to God's Word ; if not, we lhall obey God, and patiently fuller from them; a. Seeing there is very much difference between an Infant flare of Church- Memberfhip and an Adele, ; one being but imperte&Members in companion of the other.; and one beingadmitted onthe Condition they he but theSeedof theFaith- ful, and the others' Title having another Condition, even a Faith or Profef$onof their own; and one having right only to Infant Privlledgeo,''and not to the Lord's Sup- per and other parts of Communion proper to the Adult, becaufe they are not ca- pable of it. And teeing the great pollution of our Churches, andmuch of our Di- ltraCtion in Matters of Church-Order is from the carelets, unobterved, irregular Tranfition out of the Date of Infant Membérfleip , into the Rate of Adult Mem- berfhip; every ignorant Man almoft taking himfelf for an Adult Member, be- caufè by Baptilm he was made' an Infant Member , and hath cuftomarily been prefent at Publick Worfhip : Let the diff:inetion therefore between In- fant Members and Adult be more obferved in every Parilla ; and let aise Tranfition out of the one Date into the other be more folemn and regular under the Judgment of the Guides of the Church : That no Perfon may be admitted to be an Adult Member but by the Minifter in the face of ,the Con- gregation (ordinarily) after a Solemn Profeffron of the Faith, Repentance, and Refólution for a Holy Life, of thePerfon admitted ; to which there mutt be the preparation of Catechiling, and of a Converfation that contradiaeth not thePro- feRìon fo made. x. This was the Conde of the Ancient Churches, who catechi- zed Children, and admitted them among the Confirmed Members by Impolition ofHands. 2. The Divines of the Reformed Churches çotnmonly own it, andwills for it in their Writings. 3. The Epitcopal Divines in the Rubrick of the Common Prayer, Ordained that none fhould be admitted to the Sacrament till after Cate- chiling, and Certificate under the Minifter's or Curate's hand, he Were confirm- ed by the Bithop, ( though it was done to little purpofe by. them). '¢. The Piet. byterians Examination of Men before the. Sacrament intimateth the like. g. The fit`ngregational Men's trial of particular Church-Members importeththeir appro- bation of this. 6. The Anabaptiffs by going farther, do teem to be permitted of God, of purpofe to awaken us to this Duty ; and I think they will continue tobe our Scourge till this be done ; and this will half fatisfie force among them that are moderate, and ftlence many Obje&ionsof thenett. ;. Let