Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

P A RT II. ReverendMr. Richard Baxter. ig5 ;. Let the Minitter5 appproved by the State, be conftrained to Catechize, and perfonally inftru&, and publickly preach to all the Perfonsin theirParches ( ac- cording to their Itrength andopportunity ) inorder to prepare fuch as are willing to learn, for anAdult ffateofChriftianity, as theancient Churches did their Ca- recbumeni.. And let the young, and ignorant,and ungodly of this Rank, be compel- led by tome moderate Penalty to hear and confer with the Teachers, and be in- ftrueted and catechized by them. And letnot any Minifters be fuffered to.adrni; flitter the Lord's Supper to any that have not been admitted ( as aforefaid upon a Profeilion of Faith and Holinefs) into the number ofAdult Members. 4. Seeing a particular Church muff confilt of [ Chriftians cohabiting and con, Tenting ] let Parifhes be theordinaryBounds ofChurches, fo that all the Adult Members of the Univerfal Church ( and no other at Age ) within that Parith, who do content, be Membersof that particular Church ( into which they are firft admitted, or whether into both at once, we need not determine) : And if a, ny be taken out of other adjoyning Parifhes, let it be by exception from the :corn. mon Rule. And feeing-there are many Cafes in which Members- may be taken out of other Panther,the Differencesthereabout may be denied; as is afterdeclared,' Prop.8. § u. y. The Paltorsof particular Churches have power to Teach and Rule thofe Churchesaccording to the Word of God, and the People are bound to efteeni them, love them, honour them, and obey them , r Tim. y. 17. I The. y. Ia. Heb. 1;. 7, 17. Therefore let them ufe the Power of Adminiftring all Congregational Wotfhip, and the Keys forBinding and Looting within their own Congregations And let it begranted to them that defrre it ; at leaF for Peace and Concord fake; that they benot forced to Subjeítion to any pretending to a Superiour, Governing Power, betides the Magiftrate. 6. As particular Chriftians muff hold Communion in particular Churches, for. the Worlhip of God and their mutual Edification ; fo particular Churches muff all hold fuch a Correfpondency and Communion with one another, fo far as their. Capacity extends, as moil tendeth to the Edification, Strengthening, Peace and Concord of them all, and to the Publick Profperity and the Succefsof the Gofpel amongthem, and in the World. The whole Church beingone Body; mutt main, tain the Union and Communionof the Parts, and do God's Work in the greateft Concord that they can, and with the belt Advantages. 7. This cannot de done well without Meetings to thefeEnds : nor thofe Meet- ings be improved to the bell advantage, unlefi the Times and Places be fixed and commonly known : And as the ufe of them is ordinary, fo the Affemblies tlmúld be ordinary, and not only feldom in fome extraordinary Cafes: Nor is any fort of Men fo fit to manage them as Minifters, who have molt Ability and Leifure, beingwholly fet apart torhe Work of the Gofpel. It is therefore meet that there be known Times and Places of Meeting, where Minifters, and as many more as theChurches fhall think fit, may affemble ; Every Minifter ( or Church)accord- ing to their conveniency, choofrng of what Affociation they will be; which or- dinarily they thouldfrequent : and which fhould confìft of fuch, and only fuch, as for Piety, Ability, and faithful Diligence are fit for the Miniftryand fuch Com- munion. ' 8. If it be theJudgment of Tome that thefe Affemblies have a Superior govern- ingPower over the particular Paltors, and of others, that they are only for Com- munion and mutual Ailiftance, they (hall either keep their feveral Opinions to . themfelves, or at leaft, having profeffed and recorded them, lhall continue their. Prefence and Affìftance to,thofe lower endsthat all are agreed upon : Not to make new Laws for the Churches, or anyof the Members of the Affemblies, to bind by a rulingPower ; but to-confult, and advife, and agree; nor yet to agree upon . thing, unneceßo,..; nor lay the Churches Unityupon fuch ; much lefs to exercifeany magifterial cocrfive Power: But, a. To open any occurrent difficult. Cafes in Do-. &vine or Pra&ice , that befal any particular Church or Pallor, wherein theyneed their Brethrens Advice. z. To agree upon the belt and profitablefl manner of managing the Work of God in regard of undetermined Circumftanees, in cafes where Uniformity will further the Work. As for Example, what Tranflation of Scripture to ufe, what Verfion of the Pfalms to fing, crc. 3. To communicate tholeAffairs of the Churches that areof common concernment ; to give noticeof filch as one Church bath" excommunicated, that other Churches may avoid them, or elfe they may have Familiarity with all other Chriftians about them, and be en- rred among them as Members, and fò Excommunication will lofe its force and C c z miR