2oó The LIFE ofthe LIB. I., [ Without the Knowledge of whom by the Revelation of Scripture, thbre it üá Sal- ,vation. 3 TheWords [ by the Revelation ofthe Scripture] I defiredmightbe either here left out,or changed into [ the RevelationoftheGefpel ; or,the Word ofGod.] To this you will not confent,'becaufe it would intimate that there may be another co-ordinate way of Revealing Chrift, betides the written Word by which theremay be Salva- Lion: I cannot fubfcribe to the Article as it [lands ; of which when I have 'hew- ed the point of our Difference, I Ihall give you my Reafòns: I. Our Difference is not de dotlrina tradita; but de modo tradeneli : For I have fully acknowledged that there is no Salvation without the Knowledge of the Ef- fendais of the Chri[lian Faith. 2. And that the Light of Nature, andBook of the Creatures is infufficient hereunto : So far we are agreed as to the way ofthe Reve- lation. ;. Nor do I doubt of the full Perfedtionof the Scripture, bordered the Popilh Do&rines of Traditions or unwritten Verities to fupply what is fippofed to be wanting in the Scripture, as if it were but a part of God's Word for the re- vealing of thefe fupernatural things t I defired rather that youwould more fully ex= prefs the Scriptures Perfeébion and Infallability. 4. Nor is it anydoubt between us whether Men should wait for farther objedlive Revelations or Additions to the written Word, or whether we Ihould condemn the Errors of the Enthufiatls herein, we are agreed in all this. T. Nor is the Queftion de Ofiew, whetherit be the Duty of all Men to look out after the written Word, as tar as they can, and red in it. 6. Nor is the Queftion whether the Scripture only have the proper Na- ture of a Rule to Judge Controverfìes by. 7. Nor yet whether Scripture be of neceflîty to the Church in General. 8. Nor whether it be neceffary as a means to the Salvation of all that have it. 9. Nor whether it be the only fufficient meansof fafe keeping and propagating the whole Truth of God, which is neceffary to the Church. io. But the Queftion is, of every particular Soul on Earth, whether we may thus alfert that there is no Salvation for them, unlefs theyknow Chrift by the Revelationof theScripture : And I cannot affent to theArticle for thefe Rea- Tons ; r. It feems a Snare bythe unmeet Expreflîons, 2. We cannot be certainof , theTruth of it ;. It is not of lb great neceffty as that all theuld be cad out of the Miniftry, though in other things Orthodox, that will not own ir. 4. Much led is it a Fundamental: Nor dare I judge all to Damnation, that ate not herein of your Opinion. f. Itfeems to me tobe injurious to Chriftianity it felf..6. And to the prefent intended Reformation. 7. And to the Parliament: 8. And to our felves. r. For theFirf of thefe Reafons ; It is confeffed'by Tome here, that a Man may be converted by the Doctrineof the Scripture, before he know the Writings or their Authority, and that you intend not to alfert that the divine Authority of the Scripture is that primum credibile, which muff needs be believed before any Truth therein contained canbe favingly believed. And it is thought by fontethat your Aflertion is made goodif it be but proved that all Paving Revelation that is now in the World, is from Scripture originally, and fuhordinate to ir, and not coordi- nate. But the obvious Senfe of your Words will feem to many lobe this, that the particular Knowledge of that Perlon whowill be faxed, mutt be by Scripture Re- velation, as the objesfive Caufe or Instrument, even under that Confederation ei- sher in the Mind of the Speaker or Hearer, or both. Hit flrould befaid that the Revelation which convertedthis or that Sinnerdid arifefrom the Scriptures a Thou- fand Years ago : But hash fine been taken up as coming another way, and fo there bath been an Intermiflion of afcribing it to the Scripture, as to tbofe Men by whom it was carried down, this will not feem to agree with your Expref ionr. And feeing many others mutt beJudges of your Senfe, who Iliad have Power to trie Miniffers; hereby you enable them by yourobfçure Expreflïons, to wrong the Church, opprefstheir Brethren, and introduce Errors : And fo it Teems you frame a Snare. 2. And you will put every poor Chrillian in thefe Places where Chrid's Faith is known to many but by Verbal Tradition, into an Impoflibility ofknow- ing that they have any true Faith, because they cannot know that it carne from the Scriptures. 2. That we are not certain of the Truthof this Afferion, nor can I be Judge; r. Becanfe there was Salvation from Adam to Mofes by Tradition, without the written Word ; and there was a confiderable fpace of time after Chrid's Affention before the Scriptures of the New Teftament were written The 6r1í Chriftians were