208 The LIFE ofthe LIB. }; Thousands in all Countries) might not be injured and undone byan ignorant viri. ous perfecuting Miniftry. To this he confidently affirmed, that he, being molt throughly acquainted wits. Dr. Hammond, who received Letters from Dr. Morley thenwith the King, coulrì. affure me that all Moderation was intended ; and that any Epifcopacy how lov foever would fern the turnand be accepted : And a bare Prefidency in Synods such as Bishop Tyler in his Redudiion did require, was all that was intended; Yea, BishopHall's way ofModeration wouldfuffice ; that there fhould benoLord Byhope, nor fo large Dioceffes, or great Revenues, much left any persecuting Power, but that the Effentials of Epifcopacy was all that was expelled ; that no godly able Minilter should be difplaced, much lets filenced, norunworthy Men any morefet up, that there should beno Thoughts of Revenge for any thing pall; but all be equal. In Conclufion we agreed that I lhould make force Propofals toDr. Hammond, con- taining the Terms of our Agreement, and he would bring them to him ( for he li- ved but feven Miles from us) and procure me an Anfwer. Whereupon Í drew up a few Propofals, and Sir Ralph Clare Ihortly brought me back an Anfwer to them ; by which I faw that there was no Agreement that way to be made : For Dr.Hammondcai allthe Alterations or Abatementsupon the King and Parliaments when as the thing that I defired of himwas but to promife his heft Endeavours to accomplish it, by perihadingboth the Clergy and the Civil Governors to do their Parts. Yet I mull fay, I took the Death of Dr. Hammond (who died just when the King came in, before he faw him, or received his intended Advancement ) for a very great lofs; for his Pietyand Wifdom would fare have hindred muchof the Violence which after followed : I wrote him a Reply, but never lent it, be- caufe the Tumults prefently interrupted us. The Papers on both fides were theft following : R. Baxter's Propofals feet by Sir R. Clare to Dr. Hammond: HAving premifed the Terms on which the Epifcopal Presbyterian andIndepen= dant, &c. may maintain a Brotherly Agreement, in cafe the Magilirate gives Liberty to them all, I fhall add force Propositions containing thole thingsthat we desire the Brethren of the Epifcopal way will grant us, as neceffary to the Peaceof tiefe Churches, and theavoiding ofPerfecution, to the hindrance of the Gospel, in cafe the Magiftrate should eltablifh theirway. T. We desire that private Chriftians maynot be hindered from praying in their Families, according to the fenfeof their Neceffrties, without impofed Forms ; nor fromreading Scripture and goodBooks, catechifing and initrufting their Families and restraining them from dancing and other Vanities, which would withdraw them from holyExercifes on the Lord's Day : And that Neighbours be not hin- dred frommeeting at convenient times in each others Houles, to edifie themfelves by Godly Conference, Reading, repeating Sermons, Prayer, singingPfalms; fo be it they refute not the oversightof their faithful Pallors in the management hereof; nor fee up thefe Meetings in Opposition to the publick Aflembhes, but in due Subordination to them; and be refponfible to Governors for all Ma:- carriages. z, We desire that the ungodly fort of People may not be fuffered to make the furious pradtice of Godliness an open Scorn, or to deride the PraEtice of fuch ho- lyDuties, as by God, and our Governorswe are allowed to perform. 3. That the molt able, Godly, faithful Men be Pallorsof the Flocks; and the infufficien , ungodly, negligent, fcandalous, and Heretical be kept, and call out; the Welfare ofthe Church confifling fo much in the Quality of the Paftors. 4. Thatno Paftorsbe forced upon theFlocks against their Confent ( the Church Governors being theApprovers and Ordainers and fit means being ufed toprocure their Confent) though muer Teachers may be forced on the,jgnoran, Heretical, and obftinate, that are unmeet for Church- Communion. S., That the Teachers of the Parishes may beurged to catechife the People, and pert nr,lly (indue time and Place) toconfer with them all, and inftrud them in the Mattersof Salvation; andall the People may be urged to fubmit thereunto. 6. That