Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

P A fC T II. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. 2p9. G. That before any Perfon's baptized in infancy be admitted among the adult Members of the Church, to their holy Communion and Priviledges, they make an open Profeffcon of Faith and Holinef , fach as fhall be approved by the Pallor of that particular Church ( who is refponfible if he deny Approbation unjuf}ly. ) The lolemnity of Confirmation we leave to theWifdom of Church-Governors._ 7. That we may have Liberty in the Temples to alienable for God's Worlhip, and may have no new Worlhip and Ordinances or fÿmbolical myftical Ceremo- nies enforced on us againft our Confciences : And that fuels as dare not ufe the Clefs, Surplice, or kneeling in the Aa of Receiving, may not by Penalties he . forced to them, nor therefore denied the Exercife of the Miniltry, or the Com- munion of theChurch ; and thofe that Scruple theEnglifh Common Prayer -Book, may have leave to exercife their Minifiry without it ; at leaf} that they may be al- lowed the ufe of a Liturgy to be drawn up in Scripture Words, and approved by a Synod ; and betides that, freely to pray according to the variety of Occafions, and Subjects which they preach of; they being relpontibie to their Governors for all that they fay and doamies. 8. That the Pallors of each Parilh- Churchmay have Liberty to hear Aceufati- ons ofHerefy or Scandal, and to admonilh the Offenders publickly, that hear nor private Admonition ; to call them openly to Repent, and confefs their Sin, and promife Reformation, to abfolve the Penitent, and reje h the Impenitent, requi ring the People to avoid them. But yet, if you require that no Pallor Ihould proceed to the publick admonilhing and rejeâing any, but upon the Judgment of the next Synod, and their Prefident, we fubmit ; unlefs (which God forbid) they Ihould defend Herefy and Wickednefs, and prohibit Difcipline. 9. That the Neighbour-Paflors affociating for Union and Communion; may hold monthly Synods in every Market -Town, having a Prelident ( Rated forLife, ulfs he prove unfit) : And that the Pallors of the Particular Churches be here refponfible for their Doârine and Pra&ice, if any fhall accule them. And that Cafes about Publick Confirmation, Admonitions, or Cenlures, excepted from. the Power of the Pallors of the particular Churches of that Affociation may be here decided. Butyet, that thePreGdent and Synod may not be forced to under take the fpecial Charge of all the Souls of each Congregation, as it helongeth to the feveral Pallors. co. That every Quarter ( and offner, ifthe Prefident fee caufè ) there tray bea Synod of all the Pallors of each County (or Dioceffes if that may not be grant -. ed) who allo shall have a .3ated PreGdent ( the Name we leave to you) who £hall Maintain a more general Communion, and without deftroying the Power of the partierilar Pafears, or lejfer Synods, fhall receive Appeals, and take Cognizance of filch Cafes as are proper to them. And that no Prefident of greater or letter Sy- nods, (hall ordain, fufpend, deprive, or excommunicate any Pallor or Deacon, without the Confent of the Synod, and the Prefence of force of them ; nor cenlàre the Members of any particular Church, without theConfent of the Synod or of the Pallor of that Church. And that all Prefidents be freely chofen by the Synods where they mull prefide. r I. That National Councilsmay confift of thePrefdents of both the Diocefane and inferior Synods; or elfe of the Diocefane, and two out ofeach County, free: ly chofen by the Major Vote of all the Paflors. in. That no Subfcription be required of the Pallors to any thing about Religi on, but to the Holy Scriptures, and the ancient Creeds, and tothe ireceffary Arti., cles of Faith and Pra&ice exprefl in Scripture Terms, and to the Renunciation of all Herefies contrary thereto : And that in tire Matter ofthe Divine Right of Pre- lacy, or Synodical Government, or Ceremonies, it may fuffice that we are refpon- fible for any Dilobedience, and be not forced to lubferibe our Approbation ; they being not Articles of Faith, but Points of Practice; and if you fee Caufe to re- ftrain Men from Preaching agairfb any other controverted Opinions, theymay not be forced to approve them. r ;. That no Pallor bedifpiaced, unlefs for Infuf lciency, Negligence or Scan- dal committed within two Years before the Acculation ; or unlefs force able God- ly, faithful Pallor prove a better Title to the Place. 14. Laflly, That Perforas Excommunicate, maynot be punifhed eó Nomine, be- caule Excommunicate, by corporal Punifhments, unlefs it be by disfranchifing, that they be 'incapable of Government, or of choofirg Governors; feeing the fame Men are alfa obnoxious to the Laws of the Land, for fuch Crimes as the Lawscondemn,- notwithflanding their Excommunication, E e Ors