Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

210 The LIEEof the LIB. I_ On thefe Terms we may hold a Chriftian Concord, without any Dangerof Perfecution, orBreach ofCharity, or Peace, if the Magiftrate fhould think meet to fettle Epifcopacy : as we may on the forementioned Terms, while the prefent Liberty continueth. July 1659. Dr. Hammond's Anfiner. r.«j11 A T concerns private Chriftians in their own Families, will I fuppofe VV eafily be granted, care being taken that nothing contrary to known Laws be attempted under Pretence of convening for Chriftian Advantages. 2. What concernsthe Re&ors of each Parilh in the Difcharge of theDuty by Law committed to them, there can beno doubt of. What is more required tobe intrufted to them, being now by Law in theBithops cannot be removed without changing the Law ; which mutt be left to the Law - Makers, upon due Confidera- tion of Ancient, Primitive Practice, and what may probably moll tend to Edifi- cation. 3. What concerns the Obfervationof Ceremonies by Minitter or People, by Law eftablithed, muff be done. by Tolleration or Exemption from Punilhments, allowed to tender Confciences, with care hadalto to Uniformity. 4. TheNomination of Perfons to Offices in the Church, mutt have refped to to the lawful right of Patrons, unlell by Law forne Change be thought expedient to be introduced herein. 5. If the Prefidentsof inferior Synods are to Lave Epifcopal Power in Confirma- tion, Cenfures, Ordination, then this being the multiplyingof Bithops, muff be referred to the Supreme Power to judgewhether all things confidered, it be belt, or whether fome larger Dioceffesbeingdivided, fome leffermaynot remain as they are. But if inferior Prefidents be not vetted with Epifcopal Power, but be in the Nature of our rural Deans, orof Archdeacons, the ele of them and their Synods may be good, with Subordination toBifhóps and; regulated by Laws. 6. If there be Bithops in the Church, fore they muff have the fuperintendent Care ; and fo Power over the whole Flock, Presbyters and People ; yet fo that for the Exercifeof it, they intruft to the Redor of each Parith with what (hall be found neceffary for the Souls of the People in daily Adminiftration. 7. I cannot thinkit meet that the ;9 Articles whichare theHedge between us and the Papacy thould be removed, and Articles in bare Scripture-terms fubffimted in their room, unlefs by this means ( the Papacy receding alto) an univerfal Peace might be hoped, which is a thing beyond our Profped. That no more Articles be added to clog ourCommunion, is very reafonable. That any of there eftablilhed, are excepted againft by thofe, in Relation to whom we now confider, is more than Ihave heard. 8. For the not removing any Minifter but upon weighty Caufe, and not punilh- ingOffenders by other than Ecclefiaftical Confiares, leaving the reft to the Civil Magiftrate, I fee no matter of Debate betwen us. R. B,'s Reply. THE Strictures returned, inftead of Abatements for Accommodation, refer almoft all the Matten inDifference to the Civil Magiftrate. We know that whoever is in poffelfron of the Magiftracy will be the Judgeof his own Actions, and give us Laws according to his Judgment. Our Motion is not, for Divines to do any of the MagiftratesWork. But when Magiftrates againft Epifcopacy are up, we would have Divines endeavour in their places, todraw them from injuring. the Brethren that are for Epifcopacy : And when Magiftrates that are for Epifco- pacy areup, we would have Divines endeavour in their places to draw them from injuring the Brethren that cannot comply with it any nearer than on the fore-ex- prated