212 TheLIEE of the L may be ended. But if thiscannot begranted, and no particular Paftors tolerated to exercife Difcipline in their own Parrfhes, but all mutt be done by the Bithop and his Court, we mutt take it as equipollent to this Conclufion, [ Difcipline (hall be raft out of the Churches ] And then we have no hopes of the healing of our Divifions, or fatisfying the Delires and Confciences of multitudesof Perfòns, truly fearing God : And ifwe maynot have Difcipline to promote a Cuff Reformation of Manners, we (hail Rill have irregular Attempts of Reformation. But it is not the Name that we infrlt on ; Call them Rural Deans or ArchDea- cons, or what you pleafe, fo be ir, they may be authorized to do the risings here defired; even toexercife that Difcipline which one Bifhop in a County cannot ex- ercife. 6. A General Care is one thing, and the SpecialCharge of the particular Pallor is another. The former extendeth no further than to overfee the particular Patters, and to receive Appeals in extraordinaryCafes from any of the People ; and to teach them in courfe, while as Vifstors they pafs from one Parifh to another, and in the fame manner to adminifter Sacraments, and perfonally exercife Perifh Dir. cipline : But the Special Charge containeth anObligation to watch over each parti- cular Perfon in an ordinary teaching them, publickly and privately, as they have occafion and opportunity, and plucking up all Weeds of Herefre and Profanenefs, that (hall fpring up among them , refolving Doubts, convincing Gainfayers, and ordinarily guidingthem in Publick Worship, calling the Offenders to Penitence, and abfolving the Penitent, andbinding over the Impenitent to the Judgment Seat of Chrill, and requiring the People to avoid them. If you impofe on every Dio- cefan Bithop ( betides the fore-defcribed General Care) this Special Charge over every Soul, as every Pallor of a particular Church bath, you will take an effeâual Conde to keep the moll pious , modell , and thoughtful Perlons out of that rank. And your Phrafe of [ Intrulting fo much as is found neceffary in the hands of the Reetor of each Parilh ] feemethtointimate that you take thofe Re fors not only for Men of a diftindk Order or Office, from the Bithops, but alloofan Of- fice that it is not of Divine Inftitntion , and defcribed by God, but of Hu- mane Infitution, and left to the Bilhop's Difcrerion what it lhall be , and how much power lush lhail have, and that they are to be intrufted with it from the Bithops (as the Italians in Coned. Trident. would have had the Bifhops to have theirs from the Pope). If this be your meaning, it will not reconcile. If it be not, then the Rectors of each Parilh may know their Office from the Holy Scripture,- and receive it as from Chrif, who hath inflituted it,and entrulled them with ir. , 7. We delire the ScriptureConfefion but to the Extent and Securing of our Peace and Concord. If Papilla would agree upon filch a Confeflion, yea on a Subfcription to the whole Scripture, we Mould rejoice: But they cannot do it, without ceafiog to be Papille. And many may rife up among our felves that may temple Come words in the ;9 Articles, that are not fit ergo to be perfecuted and raft: out of the Church (as Mr. Cbd&ieigwortb'sInftance proves) : r. As he that lhould temple fòme one word (of no great weight) in Atbanaftua's Creed, contrary to Art. 8. 2.0r theabfolute ExdufionofWorks in the ArticleofJuffification, Art.x 3. Or the difpleafingnefs and linfulnefs of Works before Faith, and their not ma- king Men meet toreceive Grace, Art. r 3. 4. And that voluntary Works , befides or above God's Commandments, cannot be taught without Arrogancy and Impie- ty ( vide Annot. Dr. 'H. H. in r Cor. 9. 16, t7.) Art. 14. f. If any think that the Virgin Mary, or Infantsoffended not in many things, Art. rf.] We queßion wise-t Cher it be according to the Ancient Simplicity or Charity, to cat} outall thefe from our Churches. 6. And what if Dr. Taylor and many others cannot Subfcribe to Art. 9. and z. 7. And ifa Man believe not that [by good Works: a lively Faith may be as evidently known, as a Tree difcerned by theFruit], thould he be pre- fently call out ? Art. 12. 8. The al Art.concludeth that [General Councils may not be gathered together without the Commandment and Will of Princes ]; and forne think it mayas well belaid, that we may not meet for Publick Worshipwith- out their Command and Will; and that this proveth, that there never was a Gene- ral Council, nor ever will be ; becaufe the Princes ( Infidelsand Chriftians) in whole Dominions the Bithops live, never did, or will generally Confent to have their Subjects go ro a General Council. 9. The 3111 Art. concludeth [ that there is none other Satisfa&ion for Sin, but Chrit's alone] : which many betide Grotito do contradict. to. Many dare not Subfcribe to the 34th Art. without retriâion. arMany