Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

P A R T II. RevèrendNlr.'Lt.icliarcl Baxter. 2 ' tifmal Covenant ? and what were they Baptized into, but into the game of the Father, Son, andHoly Ghofl? Peter or Pawl baptized none into their own Names, ` nor dare the Pope himfelf, left his Innovation be too viIble. Chrill bath faid, Hi ` that belhevetb and is baptizedfhall be faved,Mark /6.16. Did they ever then fob- ' je&any Baptifm to the Bithop of Rome? Was the Eunuch Acts 8. li hjeéted to ` the Pope, that only faith [ I believe that yefaChrifl .k the Son of God J änd was Baptized ? If men could not be faved without believing In the Pope,` and being fubjeet to the Church of Rome, how comes it to pals that none of the Apottles ' preached this neceffaryArticleo£:Faith? Why did they never fay;'ou mdfl be- ' lieve in or be fuhje& to the Pope of Rome , or you cannot be laved ? Would ` they be fo unfaithful as to hidea neceffaryArticle ? Whydid Peter himfelf,Atis2. by Baptifm take Three thoufand into the Church without preaching any of this Do&rine to them. The Gofpel profeffeth, that be that barb the Son barb L f ,1 Joh. ` 5.11, 12. and wbofoever bekeveth in him (hall not peril, but have everlafing life, Joh. ' 3. x6. and that there it nocondemnation to them that are in CbrifßJefus, that walk 'meat after the Flefhbut after the Spirit. And now up fteps a-Mang Rome, -and pre. , e fumed' to Reverfe the Gofpel, and fay, [It's no filchmatter; for all this they(hall not ` be faved, unleß they will be my S141116 7, ?, ] 'If you fay that thofe may be faved that Sin' for want ofLttgh$;°I'anfiver; T. On ' this account your Do&ors teach the Salvation of Heathens, ( Are thole of your a Church ?) and fono otherwife of Chriftians than of Heathens. 2. Either thefe wanting your Light are in theChurch or our. If in it, then a Man maybe of the `Churchwithout being a Papift, which is againft your Faith. If 'out of it then a it teems Men out of theChurch.may be faved, and Chrift is the Saviour ofmore than his Body, which is againft your Faith and ours. ;. Who is it that bath ' fuflicient Light ? if all that have heard or read the frivolousReafonings of the Pa- ' pitts, then your Parents, andalmoft all of us mull perith a But ifit be any other Light which muff be had, you know not what meafure to give us to difcero it, `nor ever will know; and fo you make your Church invàfible, while the Members ' of it cannot be known: Fornone can know of another (by your Rule) whether ' his Light be fufficient or not 7 And I pray you, are not all the Indians ofAmerica, that never heardof Chrift, the Membersof your Church ? for their Light fure is not fufficient to thew them either the Pope or Chrift.. Hath he the heart of a, right Chri(tian that can thus damn two or three parts of all theChri(tians in the ` World, for not believing in a Wretch at Rome, that fometime is an Infidel him- ' felf,. (for fo wasPope yohn a;: judged to be, by the great General Council at '.Contbance, evenone that believedno Refurre&ion , which is worfe than a Turk, ' or Jew, or Tome Heathens). And it's a wonder to me, that if your own Soul path ever been ferioully eon- ' *errant with God in Holy Worihip, you can favour and fuit with the Cantings, ` and Repetitions, and Stage-Devotions of the Papifts : and that a Latin Mall ` fhould be believed to be the acceptableway. of Worthip ; when the Holy Gholt ` bath foplainly and copioully difowned that ferving of God in an unknown tongue, Cor.14. Pardon me, if I intreat you to make a deliberate fearch into your Heart and ` former Ways, and try whether youconverfed with God in the Spirit, and were 'ferious inyour Faith and Love and Worttip : If you werenot, no wonder if an unfound fuperfical Religion be eafily let gò, and filchan unexperienced Heart can ` fuit with a Canting, Carnal, ludicrous kind of Devotion ; or if God fo far for- ` fake a Soul that wasnot found and ferious in the Religiononce profefffed by you. ' But if it was better with you, then its ftrange your Soul'tan fo lofe its relifh; and ' its (hanger that one, that was a Member of Chrift, and in the Church and jufti- ' lied before,. should turn toa Se& that tells them, theywere not what they were, ' and mull come to them for what they had already. And whereas all the pretence youPhew me for yourChange was the difference ' that you found amongst us Protetants, and our condemning one another, do you not know that in Policy, greater Differences are tolerated among - the Pa- ' pits under the Names of divers Orders, by far than any are between the Pref- ' byterian, Independant and Epifcopal Protetants. And that none but ungodlyor uncharitable pationatePeople withus, do deny any of thefe Parties to be true Members of the Univerfal Church : If youhere met with any onethat dothcon- ' demo the other, as no parts of theChurch of Chrift, they fpake not according to the Protetant Religion, andyou can no morecharge uswith the Railings ofevery Fellow that is drunk with domineeringPride orPaffïon, than with the words of ` thenextScold or Quaker, or Papit that youBall hear Revilingus. ' I