Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

224 The LIEEof the LIB.I, ' I have Paid more to you thanat firft I intended. I look on you as one about ` that Age, when Confcience ufeth to receive its firft ferions deep Impreffìons,and the Papilla falling in with you ¡aft at that time, (I doubt before you had hear. ` tily received the Lifeof what before you profeffed, and had time to be rooted `and ftablithed in the Truth) the opportunity ferved them to your Delufion: That it maynot prove toyour everlafting Deftru &ion, !hall be the Prayers, and ' if you admit them, the faithful Endeavours of Dec: r. 166e. Your Servantin obedience to Chrift, though to no Vice-Chriff, Rich. Binder. The 4nfiver to the Lady Anne Lindfey'r Letter to her Mother: Madam iT pleafed the truly honourable Lady your Mother to thew me your Letter 1 dileóìed to her fromCalice, and to give me leave to fend you my Animadver- ` fions upon it : which I am the willinger todo, beeaufe I perceive youhave there ` contra&ed the Reafons molt commonlyufed for the perverting of the Ignorant, ' and which its likely have prevailed molt with your felf: ( You mutt, give me ` leave to be free and plain with you in the Matters of Godand of Salvation). I think it meet to leave the firft part of your Letter (of the Point of Obedience) ' to your Mother's Animadverfions : It is the Do&rinal Part that I thall fpeak 'to. ` You fay that [ Herefres againfl Faith, exprefrdby the Name ofSells,,cut us offrom ` Heaven, and that an Anathema is on them that peach any other Doctrine than what was ' preachedby the Apoftles]. How far Herefie cutsoff from the Church, I have di- ' flin&ly !hewed you in the endof my Book againi Mr. Johnfan, on that Quefti- on : but while you expeót your Mother fhould confider of your Reafons , you ` will not yourfelf perufe an Anfwer to them, which before was tendered you : whom then can you blame if your Soul be cheated. Briefly, you err in Con- ' founding Setif and Herefres, which are notthe famé. Herefres indeed, which are ` falfe Do&rines practically inconfsftentwith the Effntials ofCbriftian Faith, docut Merl off from a flute of 'Life, or thew them to be Aliens: but leffer Errours, called Herefiesby ignorant or uncharitableMen, doun- Churchnone. Herein I plead ` for you: forif theydid, then wo to the Church of Rome, that bathfo many Er- ` tours: And if it be damnable tobe a SeIt, all Papifts mutt be damned ; they be- ' ing as certainly a Se& as there is any in the World : Acorrupt part of the Uni- ' verfal Church, condemning the tell,. and pretending to be it felf the whole, is a Stet or Party ofSchifmaticks: but fuch are the Papifis: Therefore they are a ' Seel, be. But this is not the worft ; You confequently Anathematize all Papifts by your Sentence: for Herefres by your own Sentence cut off Men from Hea- ven : But Popery is a bundle of Herefies : Therefore it cuts off Men from Hea- ven. The minor I prove according to your ChurchesPrinciples, that Dottrine is ` Herefie which is contrary to apoint of Faith : But many of the Papifts Do&rines are contrary. to Points of Faith : Ergo, &c. To pafs by now all thofe Points of Popery which are contrary to what the Holy Scripture revealeth for us to be- lieve ( which aremany) I only inftence in the Point of Sovereignty, is contrary to the Determination ofour General Councils. That which iscontrary to what a GeneralCouncil pronounceth to bebelieved, is (in the Papiftsfence) a Here. ` fie : But that the Pope is above a General Council, and that a General Council is above the Pope,are both determined tobe believed by General Councils : The firft by the Councils, at the Lateran and. Florence ; and the fecond by the Coun- 5 cils at Conftance and Bafl: They are both Herefres therefore, becaufe they are . both againft General Councils: and they are both Points of Popery, becaufe both . determined in General Councils, (as I have proved ,in my Rey, CPC.) If you. r will perufea Catalogue in the End of my Book, called The Safe Religion , or 'the