Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

226 lheLIEE of the LI$,1 g. You next fpeak of [ Interpretations by Apoftolical.Tradition ]: But are fob; People capable of fuch a Baffsle, as to lay their Salvation on a Dream that ne- r ver had a Being ? Was there ever fuch a thing as an Interpretation of the Bible `by Apoflolical Tradition, without which, no Scripture mull be interpreted? Where is that Commentary that the World never knew, and yet all.muft know it that will be faxed ? Written it is not, by Fathers, Popes, or Councils ; and if unwritten, in whore Memory is it, and how learnt they it ? Not in the Peoples, ` nor the generality of Paltors, for they ( that were molt learned ) prefume to write their private Interpretations and Commentaries( never giving us the publick Corn- ' mentary) and take Liberty to differ about many hundred Textsamong themfelves. and are not thefe then grofs Delúfions. ` 4. You fay, [ the Church is a City fet upon a Hill.] Chriff fpeaks there of ` Preachers, but let it be of the whole Church. In good fadnefscan you believe that ` [ the Univerfality of Chriflians ]which is the true CatMickChurch, is not more con- ` fpicuous than the Papal Fablion, or any one particular Part ? Should your Sett be ` judged more vifrble than the whole Chriftian World? ` q. That the Church is the Pillar and Ground cf ma, the Poffefórs, Keepersand `Teachers of God's Oracles, and that the Gates of Hell fiall not prevail again'? it, is molt fureand comfortable Truth. But what is this to Rome, any more than to yerufa- s lem or Alexandria? The Gates ofHell fleaa not prevail again'? the Body of Chrif, the Univerfality ofChriíiians, the true Catholick Church : But it mayprevail againft Corinthians, Gallateans, Romans, or any particular part : As it prevailed againft Pope 7obn XXII. alias XXIII. to make himdeny the Refurreetion, and againft Pope Eugenics to make him a Heretick, if General Councils are to be be- ' lieved. 6. As to what you fay of [ Apoflles Cushpylaced in the Church]: Whenany Thew us an immediate Million by their Commillion ; and by Miracles, Tongues, and a Spirit of Revelation and infallability prove themfelves Apofles, we Ihall believe ` them. Till then wè remember that Church that was commended fortrying them that fail they were Apofflee, and were not, and feeding them Lyers, Rev..:;. Peter ' and the Twelve Apoftles with him we acknowledge, and Paul we acknowledge, butknow noneproperly called Apoftles, livingnow : But if it be only the Name ` and not the Office that you differ about; and by Apoftles you meannot [ Men immediately first by Chrif? topreach the Goffel with a Spirit o fMiracles and Infallability] ( which is our Senfe of that Word) but force other fiat of Men, then if they ` be ordinory Pallors or Bithops its no matter of Difference ; if not, you moltde- ` fcribe them before we can know them: They are to blame whoever they be, that they call not themfelves Apoftles, and tell us where, who, and bow massy they ` are, ifthey are fo indeed. ' 7. They were to be accounted Heathens and Publicans that beard not the Church ' admonifhing them: But lure otherPafforsbefdesApoftles muffadmonifband be heard: And other Churches betides the Roman, mall bold or refufe Communion, as there fignified ; either you will (erroneoufly) have that Text underftood of the Univerfal Church, or ere ( truly) of a Particular Church. If the former, what's that to the Roman Church, that is but a ( corrupted ) Part ? If the latter, ` it's no more to the Roman than any other, which are particular Churches alto; furelÿ this is plain Truth if you are willing to fee. 8. You fay, [ The Faith of which Believers were, was that of the Romans Berea ` through the World. ] Anfw. Yes; and it was the Faith ofthe Epbeftang Philippians, Celfans too, and all one : The Romans had not a Faith of their own fpecilcally different from others : Nor did the Holy Ghoft by the Apoftles ever give one ` Word of Command to other Churches, to conform their Faith to Rome, or take that Church for their Miffrefs or Sovereign. Thefe Fancies Pride hath fee up againft Chriff , The Faithof 3erufalemwas as muchknown through the World as that of Rome ; and fureyou think notthat [being knownthrough the World] made them the Rule or Rulers of the World. 9. [Upon Obfervation, you find this Churchfuming as a Light, and f t as a Citron a ` Hrll ] And was not erufalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Ephefus, &c. fo too? Sure ` they. were. All faithful Preachers of the Gofpel, efpecially the Apoftles, were ob- ` fervable (as fuch Lights andCity ) to titeWorld, that wondred at their Doârine ( which is all that Chriff there faith); and (asI Caid) the univerfal Church is ` more obfervable thanthe Roman Set: And other particular Churches,are and were as Light and Confpicuous as it: And the molt confpicuous Church bath from thenceno Pretence to be thermicor Ruler of the refl.. To. You