232 The LIFE ofthe LIB, i, too much Noife, and therefore we fhould do what wewould our felves only with filch of the City as we would take with us. And when we then profeffed that we prefumed not to give the Senfe of others, nor oblige them ; and that what we did muff fignify but the Minds of fomany Men as were prefent. He anfwered,That it fhould fignify nomore; and.that he did not intend to call an Affembly of the other parry, but would bring a few, frith as he thought meet ; and that if he thought good to adrift with a few ofeach fide, for his own Satisfadion, none had caule to be offended at it. § 94 Alfo we craved that at the fame time when we offered our Conceflions to the,King, theBrethren on theother fide might bring in theirs, containing alto the uttermoft that they could abate and yield to us for Concord, that feting both together, we might fee what probabilityof fusccefi we had. And the King pro- mifed that it fhould be fo. § 9f. Hereupon we departedand appointed tomeet from day to day at Sion Col- /edge, and to confab there openly withany of our Brethren that would pleafe to join with us, that none might fay they were excluded : Some City Minihers came among us, and fome came not ; and Divers country Minihers who were in the City came alfo to us ; as Dr. Worth (line a Bifhop in Ireland) Mr. Fulwood ( fine Archdeacon of Tornes) &c. But Mr. Matto. Newcomen was molt constant in aflï@ingus. § 96. In thefe Debates we found the great inconvenience of too many Actors ( though there cannot be too many Conlènters to what is well done) : For that which teemed the molt convenientExpref ion to one, feemed inconvenient to ano. Cher, and that we that all agreed in Matter, had much ado to agree in Words. But after about two or three Weeks time, we drew up thefollowing Paper ofPro- pofals, which, with ArchbilhopTyler's Form of Government (called his Reduái. on, &c.) we fhould offerto the King. Mr. Calamy drew up mort with Dr. Rey. Holds ; Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Worth drew up that which is againft the Ceremonies; I only prevailed with them to premife the four firft Particulars, for the counte- nancing Godlinefs, the Miniftry, Perfonal Profefiion, and the Lord's Day : They were backward becaufe they were not the Points in Controverfy ; but yielded at last on the Reafons offered them. About Difcipline we defignedly adhered to Bifhop Ufier's Model, without a Wordof alteration; that fo they might have leg to fay, againft our Offers as being our own; and that the World might fee that it was Epifeopacy it `Çlf which they refilled ; and that they contended againft the Archbilhop as well as againh us; and that we pleaded not at all with them for Presbytery, unlefs a Moderate Epifcopacy be Presbytery : Yet was there a Faction that called this Offer of Bifhop Ufber's. Epifcopacy by the Name of the Presbyterians impudent Expetlarions. I elfo prevailed with our Brethren to offer an Abftrad of our larger Papers, left the reading ofthe larger fhould feem tedious to the King; which Abftrad verbatim, as followeth, at their DefireI drew up, and have here after adjoined. The frrfí .Addreß and Propofals of the MiniJers. May itpleafe Tour mot excellent Majefty, E your Majefty'smolt Loyal Subjects cannot but acknowledgeit as a very VV great Mercy of God, that immediately after your fowonderful and peace- able Refloration unto your Throne and Government, ( for which we biefs his Name) he bath ftirred upyour Royal Heart as to a zealous Teftimony againft ' all Prophanenefi in the People, fo to endeavour an happy compofing of theDif- ` ferences, and healing of the fad Breaches which are in the Church. And we ` fhall according to our bounden Duty become humble Suitors at the Throne of ` Grace, that the God of Peace whobath put fuch a thing as this into your Maje- ` fly's Heart, will by his heavenly Wifdom and holy Spirit to afIlft you therein, ` and bring your Refolutions unto fo perfect an Effect and Iffne, that all the ` good People of thefe Kingdoms may haveabundantCaufe to rife upand biefs you, ` and to blefi Godwho hath delighted in you to make you his Inffrument in fohap- ' py aWork. That as your glorious Progenitor, Henry VII. washappy in uniting ' theHoufes of Tors and Lanca/ter; and your Grandfather King Jamesof bleffed Memory inuniting the Kingdoms of &vsgland and Scotlnnd, fo thisHonour may `be