Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

P A i T U. ReverendMr. Richard Baxter. 233 ' be referved for your Majefty as a Radiant Jewel in your Crown, that by your PrincelyWifdom, and Chriftian Moderation the Heartsofall your People may be united, and the unhappy Differences and Mifunderftandings amongft Bre- a thren in matters Ecclefiaftial fo compofed, that the Lord may be one and his "Name one in the midit of your Dominions. In an humble Conformity to this your Majefty's Chriflian Defign, we, taking ' it for granted that there is a firmAgreement between our Brethren and us in the Doarinal Truths ofthe reformed Religion, and in the fubftantial parts of Divine Worlhip, and that the Differences are only in tome various Conceptions about the ` ancient Form of Church- Government, and fome particulars about Liturgy and ` Ceremonies, do in all humble Obedience to your Majefty reprefent, Thar in as ` much as the ultimate end of Church-Government and Miniftry is, that Holinefs ' of Life, and Salvationof Soulsmay be Effectually promoted, we humblydelire in ' the firlt place that we may be fecured of chofe things inPraáice, of which we feem to be agreed in Principles. ` I. That thofe of our Flocks who are ferions and diligent about the matters of `their Salvation, may not by Words of Scorn, or any abufive ` Ufages be fuffered tobe reproachfully handled ; buthave Liber- Thiswas put in bewufe the t - ' ty and Encouragement in chofe ChriftianDuties of exhorting rions práftice of Religion had `and provoking one another unto Love and good Works, of been made the common Scorn, building up one another in their molt holy Faith,and by all re- new Sanaroant together haor d $ y repeating a Sermon `ligiousand peaceable means of furthering one another in the beenpertn¢ea by tome Prelates ' ways of eternal Life; they being not therein oppofite to naborons Crime. Church- Affemblies, nor refuting the guidance and due Infpedtion of their Paltors , and being refponfilele for what they do or fay. e z. That each Congregation may have a learned, orthodox and godly Pallor a rending amongft them, to the end that the People might be ' publickly inftrn&ed and edified by preachingevery Lords Day, This was added becaufe we by Catechifing and frequent Adminiftration of the Lord's Sup- knew what had been done, and per, and of Baptifm and other Minifierial Aets as the Occa- was like to be done again. ` caftons and the Necetlity of the People may require both in Health and Sicknefs ; and that effectual Provifion of Law be made, that fach as are Infufficient, Negligent, or Scandalous, may not be admitted to, or permit- ' ted in fo Sacred a Funetion and Imployment. g. That none may be admitted to theLord's Supper, till theycompetently un- ' derltand the Principles:of Chriflian Religion, and do perfo- 'nally and publickly own theirbaptifmal Covenant, by a ere- This was added txcau[e that ' dible Profelfion of Faith and Obedience, not contradiáing the steerneglect of Difcipline by the fame by a contrary Profelïìon, or by a Scandalous Life : theover-hot Prelates has aued And that unto filch" only Confirmation if continued in the all óur Perplexities and crtfié y IS f fions and in this Point is the -` Church) may be adminiffred : And that the Approbationof chiefeft part of our Difference ' the Pal-tors to whom-the catechifing and infirueîing of chofe with them indeed, and notabout under their Charge do appertain, may beproduced before Ceremonies. any Perron receive Confirmation, which Comte we. humbly ` conceive will much conduce to the quieting. of'tln efad- Di4píites and Divifions ` which have greatly troubled the Church of God. ajnóñ1f} us, touching Church- ' Members and Communicants. ` 4. That an effedtual Coarfe be taken for the San&ificätion of the Lord's Day, ' appropriating the fame to holy Exércifes both iq, pgblick and This was added becaufe 'bun. ` private - withoutunnecetfáryDivertifenaents, it beio 'certain dance of Minillrrs had been cali ` and by long Experience found, that the Obfervatióp thereóf is out in the Prelates Days, for not -' a fpecial means of preferving and promoting the Power ofGod- elI publickly a cook which P P $ P g ono thed Lord's fucó Sports linefs, and obviating. Pcophanene(s. on the Day. ` Then for the Matters in Difference,- osiz. Church- Government, Liturgy and Ceremonies, we molt humbly reprefent unto yourMajefty. r. FirJE For Church Government; that although upon ¡nit Reafons we do dif- rent from that Ecclefiaftical Hierarchy or Prelacydifclaimed in the Covenant, as ` it was Bated and exercifed in thefe Kingdoms; yet we do not, nor ever did re- nounce the true Ancient and Primitive Prefidency as it was ballanced andmans' H h `,managed