Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

234 Ì he LIFE ofehe L I B. I. ° managed by a due Commixtion of Presbyters therewith, as a fit means to avoid ' Corruptions, Partiality, Tyranny, and other Evils whichmay be incident tothe Adminiff rationof one lingle Perron : Which kind of attempered Pendency, if it ' fhall be your Majelfy's grave Wifdom and gracious Moderation, be in fuch a man- e ner conftituted as that the forementioned, and other like Evils may be certainly prevented, we (hall humbly fubmit thereunto. And in Order to an happy Accommodation in this weighty Bufinefs, we de- ' fire humbly to offer unto your iMajefty fomeof the Particulars which we con- ' ceive were amifs in the Epifcopal Government, as it was praáifed before the Year x640. u. The great Extent of the Bifhops Diocefs, which was much too large forhis s own perfonal Infpeáion, wherein he undertook a Paftoral Charge over theSouls ' of all thofe within hisBifhoprick, which muff needs be granted tobe too heavy a Birchenfor any one Man's Shoulders: The Paftoral Office being a Work of Per- ' Tonal Miniftration andTrutt, and that of the higheft Concernment to the Souls of the People, for which they are togive an Account toChrill. z. That by Reafon of this Difability to difcharge their Duty andTrull perfo- ' folly, theBilhops did depute the Adminiftrationof much of their Trutt, even in matters of fpiritual Cognizance, to Commiffaries, Chancellors and Officials, ` whereof fome were Secular Perforas, and could not adminifter that Power which e originally appertaineth to the Paftors of the Church. ';. That thofe Bifhops who affirm the Epifcopal Office to be adiftiná Order by Divine Right from that of the Presbyter; did affume the foie Power of Or- ' dination and Jurifdiáion to themfelves. 4. That fome of the Whops exercifed an Arbitrary Power, as by fending ' forth their Booksof Articles im their Vifitations, and therein unwarrantably en- e quiring into feverai things, and¡Wearing the Church -Wardens to prefent accord. ' ingly. So alto by many .Innovations and Ceremonies impofed upon Minilers ° and People not required by Law ; and by (ufpending Minifters at their Plea. fuse. For reforming of which Evils, we humbly crave leave to offer unto your ' íMajefty, The late moft Reverend Primate of Ireland his Reduáion of Epifcopacy unto the Form of Synodical Government, received in the ancient Church; as a ' Ground-work towards an Accommodation and fraternal Agreement in this Point ' of Ecclefiaffical Government Which we rather do, not only in regard of his eminent Piety and fingidor Ability as in all other Parts of Learning, fo in that efpeciailyof the Antiquities of the Church, but alfo becaufe therein Expedients are offered for healing Chafe Grievances. And inorder to the fame end, we further humbly delire that the Suffragans or Corepifèopi, mentioned in the Primate's Reduáion, may be chofen by the re- ' fpeáive Synods, and by that Eleáion be fufficiently authorized to difcharge their ° Trutt. That the Affoéiations tnày not be fo large as to make the Difcipline"impoflible, ' or to take offtheMiniftert from the reft of their neceffary Imployments, - That no Oaths or Proinifesof Obedience to theBillions, nor any unneceffary Subferiptions or Engagements be made neceffaryto Ordination, Inffitution, In- ' duáion, Miniftration, Communion or Immunitiesof Minifters; they being re- ' fponlible for any Tranfgrefúoh of the Law. And that TIP Bithops nor any Ecclefraftìcäl Governors, may at any time exer- ' rife their Government by their own private Will or Pleafure ; but only by filch ' Rules, Canons, andçonffitlìtiorisas (hall be hereafter by Aft of Parliament rati- e fied and eltablilhed : and than fiiffrcient Provifon be made to fecure bothMidi- ' fiers andPeople againft the Evils of Arbitrary Government in the Church. 2. Concerning the Liturgy: r. We are ttilsfied'in out judgments concerning the Lawfulnefs of a Liturgy, Form of e theWad ofod andfid`yptuftedrto theNature of thefevealCeOrdinancec,uantd 'the