Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

236 The LIFE of the Y I B. I: And though we do molt heartily acknowledge your Majefly to be Was etri- ' afire Tabula, and to be Supream Governour over all Perfons, and in all Things ánd Caufes, as well Ecclefaftical as Civil, in theft your Majefty's Dominions,yet we humbly crave leave to befeech your Majefty to confider, whether as a Chri- s fiian Magiftrate, you be not as well obliged by that Doetrine of the Apoftle touching Things indifferent, not occafioning an offence to weak Brethren, as the ` Apoffle himfelf ( then one of the higheft Officers in the Church of Chrilt) ` judged himfelf to be obliged and whether the great Work wherewith the Lord hath intrufted your Majefty, benot rather to provide by your Sacred Authority, that the things which are neteffary by virtue of Divine Command in his Wor- ' ílíip fhould be duly performed, then that Things unneceffary Ihould be made by ` Humane Command neceffary and penal: And how greatly pleating it will be to ` the Lord, that yourMajefty's heart is fo tenderly and religioufly Compáfïionate, to fuch of his poor Servants differing in fo fmall matters, as topreferve the Peace ` of their Confciences in God's Worfhip above all their Civil Concernments what- ' foever. ` May it therefore pleafe your Majefty, out of your Princely Care of healing our Breaches, gracioufly to grant, That Kneeling at the Sacrament of theLord's Supper, and filchHolydays as- are but of Humane Inflitutionmay not be impofed ` upon filch as do confcientiouíly fcruple the Obfervationof them. And that the life of the Surplice and Croft in Baptifm, and bowing at the Name of yefus rather ` than the Name of Cbrifi or Emanuel, or other Names whereby that Divine Per- ' km, or either of the other DivinePerfons is nominated, maybe abolithed ; thefe things being in the Judgment of the Impofers themfelves but indifferent and mu- ' table; in the Judgment ofothers a Rock of Offence; and in the Judgment of all not to bevalued with the Peace of the Church. We likewife humbly reprefent unto your molt Excellent Majefly, That divers ` Ceremonies which we conceive had no Foundation in the Law of the Land, as ereeting Altars, bowing towards them, and fuck like, have been not only in- ' troduced, . but in fume places impofed ; whereby an Arbitrary Power was ufurp- ed, divers Minlffers of the Gofpel, though Conformable to the Eflablilhed Cere- monies, troubled, fome Reverend and Learned Bithops offended, the Protellants grieved, and the Papi(ts pleated, as hoping that thole Innovations might make way for greater Changes. May it therefore pleafe your Majefty by filch ways as your Royal Wifdom lhatl judge meet, effectually to prevent the impofing and ufing of filch Innova- tions for the future,that foaccording to the pious intention ofyour Royal Grand- father King games of bleffed memory, the Publick Werfhipmay be free,net only from blame, but fromfuffecion. ` In obedience to your Majefty's Royal Pleafure graciouflyfignified to us, we have tendered to your molt Excellent Majefty what we humbly conceive may molt conduce to the Glory of God, to the Peace and Reformation of the Church, and to the taking away not only of our Differences, but the Roots and Caufes of them. We humbly beg your Majefty's favourable Acceptance of theft ourLoyal and Confcien- tious Endeavours to fern your Majefty and the Church of atilt, and your graciousPardon, if in any Thing or Expreffron, we anfwer not your Majefty's Expeûation : profeffing before your Majefty, and be- ' fore the Lord the Searcherof Hearts, that wehave done nothing out of Brife, vain Glory or Emulation : but have fincerely offered what we apprehend molt feafonable and conducing to that happy End of Unity and Peace which your Majefty dothfo pioufly profecute. We humbly lay our (elves, and thefe our Addreffes, at your Majefty's feet; profeffmg our unfeigned refolution to live and die your Majefty's faith- ful, loyal, and obedient Subje&s ; and humbly implore your Gracious Majefty, according untoyour Princely Wifdom and FatherlyCompaf- ' Pion, fo to lay your Hand upon the bleeding Rents and Diviflons that are amongft us, that there may be an healing- of them: fo thall your ` Throne be greater than the Throne of your Fathers; in your days the Righteous lisall flourith, Peace lhall run down like a River, and theGe- ' nerations to come lhall call you bleffed. This