2¢0 TheLIFE of the LIB. I. that Congregation, who are to receive fuch feveral Admonitions and Reproofs as the qualityof their Offence (hall deferve; and if by this means they cannot be re- claimed, they may be prefentedunto the next MonthlySynod, and in the mean time be debarred by the Pallor from accefs unto the Lord'sTable. II. The Fret- Whereas by a Statute in the Twenty fixth of King Henry VIII. (revived in the hyterìcatt d- grit Year of QueenElizabeth ) Suffragans are appointed to be ere&ed in twenty ÌM y Synods f. ,x feveral Places of this Kingdom, the Number of them might very well be con. answerable formed unto the Number of the feveral ruralDeaneries into which every Diocefs is to,theSeot fubdivided, which being done the Suffragan ( fhpplying the place of thole who in tifh Pres the ancient Church were called Chorepifcopi ) might every Month affertible a Sy- EOcieriar nod of all the Re&ors, or incumbent Paßors within the Precin&, and according Coal to the majorpart of their Voices conclude all Matters that Ihould be brought into meeting.; Debate before them. To this Synod [the Re&or and ] Churchwardens might prefent fuch impeni- tent Perfons, as by AdmonitionandSufpenfion from the Sacrament would not be reformed; who, if they Ihould Rill remain contumacious and incorrigible, the Sentence of Excommunication might be decreed againft them by the Synod, and accordingly be executed in the Parilk where they lived. Hitherto alto all things that concerned the Parochial Minillers might be referred, whether they did touch their Do&rine or their Converfition e As alto the cenfure of all new Opinions, Herefies and Schifms which did arife within that Circuit, withLiberty of appeal if need fo require unto the Diocefane Synod. IIL Diocefane Synodsan- The Diocefane Synodmight be held once or twice in the Year as it should be to thought moil convenient, therein all the Suffragans and the rell of the Re&ors or thepry vincial Sy- Incumbent Pa(lors [ or a certain feleíl Number out of every Deanery within that Dia- nods in cefs ] might meet; with whole Content, or the major part of them, all things áms..t[aed. might be concluded by theBifltop or * Superintendant( call him whither you will ) rA or in his Abfencé by one of theSuffragans, whom he lhoulddepute is his ítead to superin- beModerator of that Affembly.- Here all matters ofgreaterMoment mightbeta. tendeeter ken into Confideration, and the Orders of the Monthly Synods reviled- and (if ><rutc boo- Epl a need be) reformed. And if here alto any matter of Difficulty could not receive men pi talent a full Determination, it might be referred to the next. Provincial or National eJ{.Hieron Synod. Epift. 85. ad Evagr,- ]ÿ. um. The pro- The Provincial Synod might confill ofall theBilhops and Suffragans, and fuch vincial of the Clergy as Ihould be eleeted out of every Diocefs within the Province. The and natio- Primate of either Provincemight be the Moderator of this Meeting (or in hisroom Hal Synod tome one of the Bithops appointed by him) and all Mattersbe orderedthereinby the to c- common Confent as in the former Affemblies. This Synod might be held every neral Af- third Year and if the Parliament do then fit (according to the A& for a Triennial fembly in Parliament') both the Primates and Provincial Synods of the Land might join to- srotlood. gether, and make up a National Council wherein all Appeals from inferiorSy- nods might be received, all their Alts examined, and all Ecclefiaftical Conftituti- ons which concern the State of theChurch of thewhole Nation eflablilhed. May it pleafe your Grace,. I would defreyou toconfider whether Prefentments are fit to be made by the Churchwardens "alone andnot ratherby the Reêlor and Churchwardens. Then whither in the DiecefanSy nod the Membersofit be not toomany, being all to fudge and in their own caufe, as it may faU out. Therefore after this Claufe, and the reif of the Re/tors or incumbentPa- ftors, whetherit benot fitto interline, or four or fix oat of every Deanery. Ri. Holdfworth: We