Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

262 The LIFE of the 1, I s. I ' out taking upon us toCenfure the Government of the Church in other Colin- ' ties, where the Government of the State, is different fromwhat it is here, or ' enlarging our fell upon the Reafonswhy, whillt there was an Imagination of E- reeting a Democratical Governmenthere in the State, they Ihould not bewilling ` to continuean Ariftocratical Government in the Church, it fhall futfice to fay, That linceby the wonderful Bleffingof God; the $earts ofthis wholeNation are ' returned to an Obedience toMonarchiqueGovernment in the State,it muff be very ' reafonable to-Support that Governmentin the Church , which is eftablifhed by e Law; and which with the Monarchy hash flourifhed through fo many Ages; e and which is in truth as ancient in this Ifland,asthe ChrillianMonarchy thereof: e and which bath always in fòme refpeâs or degrees been enlarged or reftrained, ` as bath been thought molt conducing to the Peace and Happinefs of the King- 'dom: and therefore we have not the leaft doubt but theprefentBithops will think ' the prefent Conceflions nowmade by us , to allay the prefent Diftethpers very jult and reafonable,, andwill very cheerfully Conform themfelves thereunto. ` x.We do inthe firft place declare, That as theprefent Bishops are knownto be Men of Great and Exemplary Piety in their Lives, which they have manifefted in their notoriousand unexampled Sufferings, during theft late Diftempers ; and of great andknownSufficiency of Learning ; fo we Ihall take fpecial Care by the Afliltance of God , to prefer no Men to that Office and Charge, but Menof Learning, Vertue, and Piety, who may he themfelves the belt Examplesto thofè who are to be Governedby them: and we shall expe6t and provide the belt we can, that the Bithopsbe frequent Preachers, and that they do very often preach themfelves in forceChurchof their Diocefs, except they be hindered by Sicknefs, or other bodily Infirmities, orfume other ¡unifiable occafion, which fhall not be thought ¡unifiable if it be frequent. x. If any Diocefs shall be thought of too large an Extent, we will appoint Sul- ' fragan Bishops for their Affitlance. ` g. NoBilhop fhall Ordain or Exercifeany part ofJurifdietion which appertains to theCenfures of the Church, without the Advice of the Presbyters , and no ' Chancellour fhall exercife any Mtof Spiritual Jurifdiaion. 4. As the Dean ánd Chaptersare the molt properCouncil andAtiiftants of the ' Bilhop both in Ordination, and for the other Offices mentioned before; fo we fhall take care that thole Preferments be given to the molt Learned and Pious Presbyters of the Diocefs, that thereby they may be always at hand and ready to advifeand Aft the Bilhop: And moreover, That forceother of themolt Learn- ' ed, Pious, and Difcreet Presbyters of the fame Diocefs (as namely the Rural Deans, or others, or fo many of either as fhall be thought fir, and are neareft) be e calledby the Bilhop tobe prefent andaffiliant together with thofeof the Chap. ter, at all Ordinations, and at all other Solemn and Important A&ions in the Ex- ' ercife of Ecclefiaftical Jurifdition, efpecially wherein-any of the Minihers ara concained. And our Will is, that the great Work of Ordination be conitantly and folemnly performedby the Bilhop in the Pretence, and with the Advice and Aflìftance of his aforefaid Presbytery at the four fec Times and Seafons appointed by the Churchfor that purpofe. Wewill take care that Confirmation be rightly and folemnly performed by ' the Information andwith theAdviceof the Minifter-of the Place, and as great ` diligenceufed for the Initruetionand Reformation of notorious and fcandalous Offenders as is poffible ; towards which the Rubrick before theCommunion bath ' prefcribed very wholefom Rules. 6. No Bilhop fhall Exercife any Arbitrary Power, or do or impofe any thing upon theClergy or the People, but what is according to theknownLaws of the Land. 7. We arevery glad to find that all withwhom we have conferred do in their ' Judgments approve a Liturgy, or Set-Form of Publick Worlhip to be lawful ; which in ourJudgment for the prefervation of Unity and Uniformity, we con- ' ceive to bevery neceffary ; And though we do efteem the Liturgyof theChurch of England, contained in the Book of Common Prayer, and by Law ehabliflted, to be thebelt we have feen, and we believe that we have fern all that are extant ` and ufed in thispart of the World, and well know what Reverence molt of the Reformed Churches, or at leafs the molt Learned Men in chofe Churches- have for it ; Yet fence we find force Exceptions made to many abfolete words, and o- '-cher Expreffions ufed therein, which upon the Reformation and Improvemernhf