266 The LIFE ofthe LIB. L for want of Subfcription, Re- ordination, or anOathof Obedience to thebillion g ` but elpecially from many Congregations in the Land, that cry out they are undone by the lofs of thole Means of their Spiritual Welfare, whichwere dearer to them ` than all Worldly Riches, and by the grievous Burdenof Ignorant, or Scandalous, ` or dead unprofitable Minigers fee over them, to whom they dare not commit the ` Guidance and care of their Immortal Souls, andwhotè Miniftry they dare not own or countenance, left they be guilty of their Sin : And it addeth toour Grief i and Fear in finding fo much of the propofed neceffary Meansof our Agreement, ` elpecially in the point of Government here paffed by, in your Majelly's Declara- ` tion, as if it were denied us. But yet remembring the gracious and encouraging ` Promitès of your Majefty,and obferving your Majelty's Clemency in what is here granted as, and your great Condefcenrion in vouchfafing not only fo gracioufly to hear us in chefe our humble A'ddieffes.and Requefts,-but alfo to grant us-the ` Sight .of your Declarationbefore it is refolved on, with:Libertyof returning our Additional Delires, and hope that they 1hal1 not be rejesed; ; we re-á$ume our Confidence, and comfortably expeet, that what is not granted in this Deelarati- ` on that is realònable and neceffary to our Agreement,. {hall yet be granted upon `-- fuller Confideration of the Equity of our Requelis. Asour Defigns and Delires are, not for any worldly Advantages or Dignitiesto our felves, fo have we. not prefumed to intermeddle with any Civil Intereft of your Majefty , or any of your Officers ; nor in the matters of sneer ` Convenience to caß our Reafon into the Ballance againft your Majety's Pru- ' dente ; but meetly to fpeak for the Laws and Worship and e Servants ofthe Lord, and for the Peace of our Confciences, and the Safety of our own and Brethrens Souls. It lifts us up withJoy to think what happy Confequentswill enfùe, if your Majelly grail entertain thefe healing Motions : How happily our Differences will be reconciled, and the exafperated Minds of Men compofed : HowTemp- ` cations to Contention and Uncharitablenelswill be removed : How comfortably your Majelly willreign in thedeareft Affectionsof your Subje6ts ; and how firm- ` ly they will adhere to your Intereft as their own : How chewfully and zealoufly the united parts and Interefts of the Nation will confpire to fern you ; What a ` Strength and Honour a righteous Magiftracy, a learned, holy, loyal Miniftry, `. and a faithful praying People will be to your Throne : And how it will be your Glory to be the King of the moll religious Nation in the World, that bath no confiderable Fartio, but what are Centered ( under Chrif) inyou : What a Comfort it will be for theBishops and Paftors of the Church, tobe honoured and loved by all the molt religious of their Flocks to fee the SucceS of their La- ` boars and the Beauty of the Church promoted' by our common Concord, and Brethren to affemble and dwell together in Unity; ferving one God, according ' to one Rule, with one Heart and Mouth. [And on the contrary, it altonifheth us to forefee the doleful Confequents that ` would follow if( which God forbid) your Majefty should re- Allthis endóted part was left -' fine the moll neceffary, moderate Ways of Concord, and be out of the Petition as prevented to `engaged by a party to exalt them by the Suppreilionof the his Majelly : This only being in- ` reft ! How woful a Day would it prove to your Majefty and ferted iathe room of it. o your Dominions, in which you Ihould thus efpoufe a Caufe [And on the contrary li ould r and Intereft injurious to the Intereft of Chrilh, and the Caufe NV, lore the Opportunity of our defired Reconciliationand Union, of Unity and Love, and contrary to your Majefty's gracious it aflonilheth us to forefee r4 st `Inclinations be engagedunawars in a- feemingneceflì todeal doleful Effefts our Divifións e hardly with the Minifters and Servantsof the Lord ! How would produce, which we will confiderable apart of the Three Nations for Number, Wif- not fo much as mention in parti- culars left our words fhould be ` dom, Piety and Intereft, you would be drawn to govern with mifundedtood. And teeing alt , a grievous Hand ; and to lay them under the greateft Sorrow this may fafely and eafily now be r who reltored and receivedyour Majelly with Jay ! How the prevented, we humbly befee h r Diffent of Minifters from the Government and Cemmcnies of the Lord in Mercy to vouch£afe to your Majefty an heart to dif- theChurch,were it eopreffed but by theirGroans and'Tears,and cerna right of Time and Jude- moderateComplaints to God, orNot praying for that Church ment. r Government which they darenot prayfor, would bereckoned as DiI[ontent'and-Sedition ; and it would be ju:sged a Crime tofuel w}ienthey-ire hurt ! 'Whai Occafiön thiswould give to irreligiousTempo- ` rizers to arrogate theName 'óf yótrrMajetysheft Subjects, and to let out their 9Vlalïceagainft the Upright, and make Religion a Reproach ! And theft what a ` Hindrance' thaifwontd bgg fe ehè Cónreerfion and faving of the Peoples Souls ! and ar What a finial ' I`llhrferq'bf'all Vice ! 'How grievou ly Charity -would be town,