Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

P A R. T II. ReverendMr. Richard Baxter. 269 4. And whereas it is expreffed byyour Majelly, That [the Effence and Fount' dation of Epifcopacy might bepreferved, though the Extent:of,the.Jurifdibtion might be altered], this is to us a groundof Hope, that feeing the greatning or the deffeningof Epi copal Power is inyour Majelty's Judgment but a Matter of Con -_ venience, the Lord willput it into your Heart to make filch an. Alteration in the alterable Points, as the Satisfa&ion . of the Confciences of faber Menand the Healing and Unionof thefeNationsdo require. Asto our Plea for Primitive. Epifcopacy.; the Offices and. Ordinances of Chrift muff be Rill diftinguilhed from the alterable Accidents. Though we plead not for the Primitive Poverty, Perfecution, or Refìrainrs, yet mull we adhere to the Primitive-Or- der and Worfhip, and Adminillratiensin the Subftance; as believing that the ,Cir-. cumflantiating of them, is much committed unto Man , but to inititute the Orde., names andOfficer is the high Prerogative of Chrif , the Univerfal King and Law- giver of the Church. Concerning, the Matter of your Ma)efly's Canceffions , as related to our Propofalr. z. wE humbly renew (sin Petition to your Majefty, for the effe &ual Security YV of thole premifed Neceffaries, whichare the Matter ofour chiefeltCare, and whereunto the Controverted Points fubferve: viz. r. That private Exercifes of Piety might be encouraged. z. That an able, faithful Miniftry may be kept up, and the infufHcient, negligent, fcandalous, and nonrefdeny call our. ;. That a credible Profeffìon of Faith and Obedience be pre-required of Communicants, .. That the Lord's Day be appropriated to Holy ExercIfes without unneCeffary Diverrifements. 2. For Church.Government. In this your Majeffy's Declaration , Parilh Difci- pline is not fufficiently granted us. Inferiour Synods with their Prefidents are pa fed by ; and the Bithop which your Majefty declareth for, is not Epifcopus Prafes, but Epifcopas Printers; indeedwith Me Power both of Ordination and . Jurifdiáion: For though it be laid, That [the Bithop fhall do nothing without the Advice of Presbyters] yet their Confent is not made neceffary, but he might go contrary to the Counfel of themall. And this Advice is not tobe given by the Diocefan Synod, or any chafer, Rcprefentatives of the Clergy, but by the Dean and Chapter, and fra many and fach others as bepleafe to call. In all Which there being nothing yielded uss which is fufficient to the defired Accommodation and Union,we humbly profecute our Petition to your Majelly, that the Primitive Prefidency with the refpeftive 'Synods defcribed by the late Reverend Primate of Ireland, may be the Form. of Church -Government eftablifhed among us At leali in there Three needful Points. T. That the Paftorsof the refpe&ive Parilhes may be allowed, not only pub- ` liekly to Preach, but perfonally to Catechize or otherwife Initruet the feveral Families, admitting none to the Lord's Table that have not perfonally owned their ` Baprifmal Covenant by a credible Profelfron' of Faith and Obedience ; and to admmniih and exhort the Scandalous, in order to their Repentance; to hear the Wimeffes and the accufed Party, and to appoint fit Timea and Places for theft things; and to deny fùch Perlons the Communion pf the Church in the Holy Eu- ` chariff, that remain impenithnr ; or that wilfully refafe to come to their Paftors `to he inffru &ed, or to anfwer fuch probable Accufations; and to continue fuch ` Exclufron of them till they have made a credible Profelfronof Repentance, and ` then to receive them again to the Communion of the Church; provided there be ` place for due Appeals toSuperiour Power]. All this wetefeechyour Majefty to exprefs under your Fifth Conceffion, be: caufe it is to usof very great weight, and the Rubtick is unfatisfa&ory to which we are referred. ` z. That all the Paftorsof each Rural Deaneries,having a fluted Prefident cho- ' fen by themfelves (if your Majefty pleafe togrant them that liberty) may meet once a Month, and may receivePrefetjtmentsof all fuels Perfonsas notwithftand- ing