27o The L IFE of the L I B. I ' ingSufpenfion from Communion of the Church, continue impenitent or unre- formed, and having further admonifhed them, may proceed to theSentence of Solemn Excommunication, if after due patience they cannot prevail. And may receive the Appeals of thofe that conceive themfelves injuriouflySufpended, and may decide the Caufe.] Or if thiscannot be attained , at leaft [that the Paflors of each Rural Deanery with their Prefident, may have power to meet Monthly, and receive all fuch Prefentments and Appeals, and judge whether ` they be fit to be tranfmitted to the Diocefan or not : and to call before them and ' admonith the Offendersfo prefented]. Yet if Prefentments againft Magiftraree and Miniflers be referved only to the Diocefan Synod, and their Appeals immediately there put in, we (hall therein fubmit to your Majefty's pleafure. 3. That a Diocefan Synod, confutingof the Delegates of the funeral Rural Synods, be called as often as need requireth : and that withoutthe Content of the major part of them, the Diocefan may not Ordain, or Exercife any Spiritual Cenfures on any of the Minifters : nor Excommunicate anyof the Peoplebut by ' content of the Synod, or of the Paftors ofthe particular Parifhes where they had `Communion. And that not only Chancellors, but alfo Arch-deacons , Cummiffarm, and Officials as fach, may pats noCenfures, purely Spiritual. But for the Exercife of Civil Government coercively by Mulets or Corporal Penal- ties by Power derived fromyour Majefly, as Supream over Perlons, and in things Ecclefiaftical, we prefume not at all to interpofe: but fhall fubmit to any that ad by your Majefty'sCommiffion. Our Reafonr for the firft part of Difcipline, viz. in particular Parifher, are thefe: IT is neceffary to the Honour of the Chrillian Profeflìon , to the integrity of j Worthip, to the deltruetioh of Impiety and Vice , to the Prefervation of the Sound , the raining them that are Fallen, the comfortingof the Penitent, the ftrengthning of the Weak; the Purity, Order, Strength. andBeauty of our Chur- ches, the Vanity of Believers, and the Pleating of Chrift who bath required it by his Laws. And withal, it is agreeable to the ancient Canons and Praetice of the Churches, and is contented to by our Reverend Brethren, and fo is no Matter of Controverfie now between us. Yet is not the Rubrick fatisfaâory which we are referred to : r. Becaufe it leaves the People at their liberty, whether they will let us know of their intention to Communicate, till the Night or Morning before ; and alloweth us then only to ad- monifh them, when (in great Parilhes ) it is impófiible for want of time. z. Becaufe it doth allow us deny the Sacrament to thofe only that malicionfy to orbear : Though the their anans forbid us to deliver them chSacrament. TheSinners The Reafonr why we inffi on the fecond Propofal, are thefe It being agreed on between us, That the younger lefs difcreet fort of Minifters are unfit to pats the Sentence of Excommunication,. without Advice and Modera- tion by others, and every Church is not like to be provided with grave, difcreer, judicious Guides ; the neceffity of thefe frequent lelfer Synods for fuch Moderation and Advice and Guidance will appear by thefe two general Evidences. T. It is the very Nature and Subítanceof theOffice of a Presbyter , to have the Power of the Keys for binding and toting , retaining or remitting Sin; which therefore together or apart, as there is occafton, they are bound to Exercife. And this being the Indication of Jefus Chrift, cannot be altered by Man. In their Or- dination, according to the eftablithed Order in England , it is fait, [ Whole fins rboa deft remit,- they are remitted : whole fins than daft retain, they are retained]. And they are commanded [ to Minifter the Dottrine, Sacraments, and Dtfiiplme ofChriat, as the Lord bath commanded, and ac this Realm bath received the fame], as expretly