Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

PA R T II. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. 27i Bfhops are. And as the late Primate of Ireland obferveth in his Reduction, That they may the better warfront:.what the Lord bath commanded the Exhortation of. Se. Paul to the Elders of the Church of Epliefus is appointed to be read to them at the trineof their Or- dination, Take heed toyour felves and to all the Flock, over which the Holy Ghott barb made you Overfeers, to ( feed or ) rule the Congregation of God which he bath parchafed with hie bleed J. And it is apparent in this adds zo. 17, J8,ah. and r ç. 23, zç. and 16.4. r nog: ç. ta, 1 ;. I TIM. ;. 4, ç. and ç. 17. Heb. r ;. 7, 17. 24. and other places, that it is the Office of a Presbyter to Overfee, Rule, and Guide the Flock (which the Minifterial Rule which confifteth in the Exercife of the Keys, or Ma- nagement and Perfonal Application ofGod's Word to the Confciences and Cafes of particular Perfons, for their Salvation, and the Order of the Church ; the Coer- cive Power belonging to the Magiftrate). And this was the Pra&ice in the Anci- ent Church, as appearethundeniably in Ignatius, Tertudiem, Cyprian, Hierum, Cbryfe- from,&c. Conch. Cartbag.4.Can.z2,z ;,29,32,34,3 çs36, ; is confeffed by the chiefèlt Defendersof Epifcopacy. z. If all Prefentments and Appeals be made to the Bifhop and his Cenfiftory alone, it will take from tee the Parfh Difeiplini which is granted us, and caft almoft all Dif- cipline out of the Church. As is moff apparent to them that by experience areac- quainted with thequality of our Flocks, and with the true Nature of the Pafioral Work. Confidering r. How many hundred Churches are in aDiocefs. 2.How many thoufandPerfons are invery manyParifhes: and of thofewhat a number are obflinate in wilful profs Ignorance or Scandal, refuting tobe inftru&ed, or atlmò- nifhedby their Paftors. ;. How long, and earneltly, and tenderly Sinners muff be dealth with, beforethey are cut off by Solemn Excommunication. 4. How unfatisfaetory it mutt be to the Confcienceof a 3ifhoporSynod, :to out off a Man as impenitent upon the bare report of a Minifter, before by full Admonitionthey have proved him impenitentthemfelves ; efpecially when too :many Minillers are ( to fay nothing of Paflion that might taufe partial Accufations ) unable fo to manage a Reproof andExhortation, as is neceffary to work on the Confciencesof the People, and to convibt Refiliers of flat Impenitency. F. What abundance of Work the Bithop will havebetides ; - Conftant preachingwill require time for pre- paration : Viftingthe feveral Churches: Confirming all the Souls in fo many hundredParifhes : (which alone is more than any one Man can do aright,ifhehad nothingelfe to do) : Ordaining, Inflituting, and Examining the Perlons, fo far as to fatisfle a tender Confcience ( that takes not.albon craftfrom others, and is but the Executor of their judgments). Thefe, and much more, with the care' of 'Church-buildings, Lands, and his own Affairs and Family, and Sickneffes, andne- ceffary abfence fometimes, will make this .great additional Work , which mutt be conftantly performedfor fo manyhundred Parifhes, tobe impaffìble. 6. Reproofs and Sufpenfion would fo:exafperate the Scandalous, that they would vex the Pa- fors with numerous Appeals. 7. ThePaltors will-be undone by 'travelling; and waiting, and maintaining fuch a multitude of Witneffes as is-neceffary for the profecuting of Prefentments, and anfwering fo many Appeals. 8. The Bufinefs -will be fo odious, chargeable and troublefom, that Witneffes -will not come in. g. TheMinifter by thefe Profecutions and Attendances, will be taken off the ref of his Minifterial Work. ro. :Bithops (being but Men) will be tempted by-this -intolerable Burden to be weary of the Work, and flubber it over, -and call it opon others, and todifcountenance the molt confcionable Minifters -that molt trouble them with Prefentments : whichwhen the Offenders perceive, they-will the more infult and vexus withAppeals. So that the Difcouragemenrs of Minifters, and the utter Incapacity of the Bfhops to perform a quarter of this Work, will nullifie Difcipline, as leaving it impoffrble. Experience path told us this too long. And then when our Communion is thus polluted with all that are molt incapa- ble through utter Ignorance, Scandal,,. and Contempt of Piety, T. Miniflers will be deterred from their Adminiftrations to Subje&s fo uncapable. a. Bithops that are tender Confcienced, will be deterred from undertaking fo impoffible a Work, andof fo ill Succefs. ;. And Men that have dealttendernefs of Confcience, and Care ofSouls, and Fear of God's Difpleafure, will Peek for and intrude into both places. 4. And the tender confcienced People will be tempted to fpeak hardly of fuel. undifciplinedChurches, and of-the Officers; and to withdraw from them. ç.' And hereby they will fall underthe- Difpleafure of Superiours, and the Scorn of the Vulgar, that have no Religion but whatis fublèrvientto their Flefh. 6.And to while the molt pious are brought under Difcoantenance and Reproach, and the mot?