272 moll impious getthe Reputationof being moft Regular and obedient to their Ru- lers, Piety it lelf will grow into difelteem, and Impiety efcape its due difgrace: And this hath been theCarafe of our Calamities. The LIFE of the LIB,. ;. As to the Liturgy ; it is Matter of greatJoy and Thankfulnefs to us, that we have heard your Wellymore than once fo refolutelypromifing, That [none Ihafl fuller for not.ufrng the Common Prayer and Ceremonies , but you would fecure them from the Penalties in the Aóì for Uniformity, as that which your Declara- tion at Breda intended), and to findhere fo mach of your Majefty's Clemency in your gracious .Conceffconsfor a future Emendation. But we humbly crave leave to acquaint your Majefty, (r.) That it grievethusafter all to hear, that, yet it is given in Charge by theJudges at the Affizes, to indiót. Men upon that Aet for not ufing the Common Prayer: (a.) That it isnot only [Some abfólrte word, and or b& exprefow] that are offenfive. (3.) Thatmany fcruple cling fame part of the Book as it is, left they be guilty of countenancing the whole, who yet would ufe it when reformed. Therefore we humbly crave that your Majefty will here declare, [ That it is ` your Majefty's pleafure ,hat none ..be punilhed or troubled for not ulingthe Book ' of Common Prayer, till it be effeótually reformed by Divinesofboth Perfwafions equally deputed thereunto]. And that. your Majefty would procure that Moderation inshe Impoftion hereafter, ' whichwe before defired. 4. Concerning Ceremonies. Returning our humble Thanks for your Majetty's gracious Concefions ( of which we are affured you will never have caule to re- pent) we further crave, r. That your Majefty would leave out thofe words concerning us, That we [do not in our yesdgments'believe the praélice of thole particular Ceremonies whichwe except a- gainft to be in it felfunlawful]; for we have not fo--deëlaredt our Judgments. In- deed we have laid, that treating in order'to a happy uniting of our Brethren through the Land, our Work is not to fay what is oar ownOpinion, or what will fatisfre :u but what will fatisfie fo many as may procure the,laid Union. And we have fail, that Come think fame of them unlawful in themfelve, , and others bat in- convenient. And while the Impofer,think them but indifferent, we conceived they might.reafonably. beentreated to let them go ; for the faving of their Brethrens Confciences and- íhe Churches Peace. We are fire that á Chriftian's Confcience lhould be tenderof adding to, or.diminifhing from the Matter of :God's Worflrip in the fmalleft Point ; the Laws of God being herein the only perfectRule, Deus. gn' And that aSynod infallibly guided by the Holy Ghoft, would lay. upon the Churchesno greater burden then necef/ary things, Ails r p. i 8. And that for things indifferent, Chriftians fhould-not delilee orjudge each other, Rom. 14. much lefs by filencing the able and faithful Minifters of the Gofpel, to punilb the Flocks even in their Soul,, for the tolerable Differences and . fuppofed Miftakes of Minifier,. We doubt not but Peter andPaul went to Heaven without the Ceremonies in que- ftion. And feeing your Majefty well expreffeth it, [That the Univerfal Church cannot introduce one Ceremony in the Warfhip of God that a contrary to -God's Word exprejjed in the Scripture,], and Multitudes of Proteftants at home andabroad , do think that all Myftical Sacramental.Rite,. of Humane Inflitution are contrary to the perfection of God's Law, and to Deut. rz. ;z. etc. ( thoughthe Determination of meet Circush. fiance, neceffary ingenre, be not fo), and therefore dare not. -ufe. them, for fear of the Difpleafure ofGod the Univerfal Sovereign ; it muff needs be a great Expref lionof your Majetty's wifdom and tendernefs of God's Honour and the Safety of your Peoples Souls, to refufe in things unneceffary todrive Men upon (apprehend, ed) Sin, and upon the Wrath of God, and the Terroursof a Condemning Con- fcience. z. We.befecch your Majefty to underltand, that it is not our meaning by the Word [ abolifbing ] to crave a Prohibition again(} your own or ocher Mens Liberty in the things:in queftion ; but it is afull Liberty that we defire; fuch as fhould be in unneceffary things ; and fuch as will tend to the Concord of.your People, viz. That there be no Law or Canon for or againft them, commanding, recommending or prohibiting thaw: As now there is none for any particular Gefture in to in of Pfalm,, where Liberty prefrveth an uninterruptedUnity. For