PART II. Reve the A6. RichardBaxter. For the Particular Ceremonie% 273 ' I. We humbly crave as to kneeling in the iftt Of Receiving, that your Majefty" ' will declare ourLiberty therein, that none fhould be troubled for receivingit Itand- `ing or fitting: And your Majefly's Expreffions [upon. Realns belt known, ifnot only to themfelves j command us to render (awe of our Reafns. r: We are fire thatChrift andhis Apoilles finned net, by not receiving it kneel- ing ; and many arenot lure that by kneeling they fhould not fin ; . and therefore for the better Security, though not for ab[olute Necefty; we crave leave to take thefacer fide. z. We are fare that kneeling in any Adoration at all, inany LYor, £kip, on any Lard's. Day in the Year, or any Week-day between Eller and PenteceJt, was not only difafed, but forbiddenby General Councils (asConed. Nicen. r Can. 2e. and Concil. Trull &c.) and difclaimed by ancient Writers, and this as a general and uncontroled Traditi- on: And therefore that kneeling in the A& of receiving is a Novelty contrary to the Decrees andPractice of the Church for many hundred Years afterthe Apoltles. And if we part with the venerable Examples of all Antiquity whereit agrees with Scripture, and that for nothing, we £hall depart from the Terms which molt Mo- deraters think neceffary fertile Reconciling of the Churches. And Noveltyis a Dilhonour to any part of Religion : And ifAntiquity be Honourable, themolt ancient, or neared the Legiflation and Fountain, mutt be moll honourable. And it is not :fafe to intimate;aCharge ofUnreverenceupon all the Apoltles and primitive Chri- flans, and the Univerfal Church, for fo many hundredYears togetherof its purelt Time. g. Though our meaning be good, it. is not good to Ihew aneedle/! Countenance of the Papilts Pradtice of Adoring theBread as God, whenit is ufed by them round about us: Saith Bishop Hall in his Life, peg. zo. [I bada dangerous Conflitl with a Sarbonift, :who. rook occalion byour kneelingorthe Receipt of the Éácb'arilb, tó perfuáde all the Company ofour Acknowledgment of a Tranfubftantiation. 4.' Some ofus that could rather kneel thap bedeprived of Communion, Ihould ..yet fuffer much before we durit putall others from the Communion that slurlp not take it kneeling.; which therefore we cravewe might not be put upon it. a. We humbly crave elfo [`. chat the religious Oblervation of Holy-days of '',hu- ''man Inftitution may be declared to be left indifferent, that none be troubled for ` not obferving them.] 3: We humbly tender your Majefty our Thanks for your gracious Coricef ion of Libert y as to the Graf; and Surplice, and bowing at the Name Cletus] rather than [Chrïft ]or[God]. But we farther humbly befeechyour Welty ,.That this Liberty on forbearing the Surplice, might extend to the Colledges and- Cathedrals alfa ] that it drive Mot thenceall thofe that Scruple it, and make not thole Places receptive only of a Party ; and that the Youth-of the Nation:may have jult Liberty as well-as the El_ filer. If they be engaged in the Univerfities, and their Liberties there cut off in their beginning they cannot:afterwards be free; many hopeful Perkins will be elfó diverted from. the, Service of the Church. z. Thatyour Majeftywill endeavour the repealing of i:ll.Laws,_ andCanons bywhich thofe Ceremonies are impofed, that they might Abe'left at fell Liberty. A.. We alto humbly tender our Thanks, to your Majefty for your gracious Con- celiton of the Forbearance of the Suhfcription required by that Canon. 'But (t.) we humbly acquaint your Majefty, that wedo not diffent from the Doetrineofthe Church of England, expreffed in the Articles.and Homilies.: But it is the contro- serted Paffages about Government, Lirurgy:and.Ceremonies, andfoamBy-paffages and Phrafes in the doetrinal Part, which are templed by thofe whore Liberty is-desired. Not that we are againft fubfcribing the proper Rule of our Religion, or any meet Confelfion of Faith. No do we temple the Oath of Supremacy or Allegiance. Nor would we have the Doer left open for. Papilts or Hereticks to come in. a. We take the boldnefs to fay that fine we havehad the Promifes of your gracious indulgence herein, and upon divers Addreffes toyour Majelty and the Lord Chan. cello'', had comfortable Encouragement to expe& our Liberty, yet cannot Mini- fters procure InSitution without renouncing their Ordination by Presbyters, or be- ing re-ordained, nor without Subfcription and the Oath of Canonical Obedience. 3. We muff obferve with Fear and Grief, that your Majefty's Indulgence and N n Comet-Eons