Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

PART II. ReverendMr. Richard Baxter. 275 The Alterations of the Declaration Which we offered. [r.X]E do in the firft place declare that our Purpofe and Refolution Is, and VVVV (hail be to promote the Power of Godlinefs, to encourage the Exercifes of Religion, both publick and private, and to take care that the Lord's Day be ap. propriated to holy Exercifes, without unneceffaryDivertifements; and that infuffi- dent, negligent, non refident, and fcandalous Minifters be not permitted in. the Church :] Andas the prefent Bithops are known to beMen of great and exempla- ry Piety, &e. 2. [Becaufe the Dioceffes, efpeciallyfòme of them, are thought to be largeExtent, we will appoint fuch a Number of fuffragen Bithops inevery Diecei+, as (hall be fufficient for thedue Performanceof their Work.] , 3. [No Bithops !hall ordain, or exercife anypartof Jurifdi&ion which apper- tains to the Cenfures of the Church, withoutthe Advice and Confent of the Pres- byters, and no Chancellors, Commiffaries, Archdeacons, or Officials lhallexercife any ACt of Spiritual Jurifdi &ion.] 4. [To the end that the Deans and Chapters may be the better Start Counteland Affîltance to the Bithops ; both in Ordination, and in the other Ur- dinances mentioned before, we will take care that thofe Preferments be given to the muff learned and pious Presbyters of the Diocels.] [And moreover, that at leafy an equal Number of the moll learned, pious, and difcreet Preshyters of the fame Diocels, (annually chofèi by the majorVoteof all the Presbytersof that Diocefs) fhall be aflìllant and confenting together with thofe of the Chapter at all Ordinations, and all other A&s of fpiritual Jurifdiition.] [ Nor Ihall any Suffragan Bifhopsordain, or exercife any a& of fpirítua; Jun -fdi- &ton, but with the Content and Aflìflance ofa fufficient Number of the molt Judi- cious and pious Presbyters, annually chafen by the majorVote of all the Presby- ters in hisPrecisets t] And our will is, that the great Work of Ordination be conftantly and folemn- ly performed at the four let times and Seafòns appointed by the Church for that purpofe. ç. [We will take care that Confirmationbe rightly and folemnly performed,by the Lsformarion; and with the Confent of the Miniftes of that Place. Who (hall admit none to the Lord's Supper, till they have made a credible Profeflionof their Faith, and promifed Obedience to the Will of God accordingas is expreffed in the Coufirleration of the Rubrickbefore the Catechifin and that all poflible Diligence be oled for the Inftru&ion and Reformation of fcandalous Offenders, whom the Minifters !hall not fuffer to partake of the Lord'sTable until they have openly de- clared themfelves to have truly repented, and amended their former naughtyLives, as is partly expreffed in the Kubrick, and more fully in the Canons. Provided there be place for due Appealsto fuperior Powers. 6. No, Billiops, &e. 7. We are very glad to find that all with whom we have conferred, do, in their Judgments, approve a Liturgy, or a. let Form of publick Worfhip to be lawful, which in our Judgments, for the Prefervatiouof Unity and Uniformity, we con- ceive tobe very neceffary : And although wedo eutern theLiturgyof the Church of England contained in the Book of Common-Prayer and by Law eflablifhed, to be the beft that we have teen, ( and we believe that we have feen all that are extant, and uled in this part of the World) and we know what Reverence molt of the reformed Churches, or at leall the moil learned Men in thofe Churches have for it ; yet fince we find fome Exceptions made againft feveral things therein [ We will appoint an equal Number of learned Divines of both Perfuafrons to review the fame, and to make fach Alterations as fload be thought moll neceffdry ; and f me additio- nal Forms (in Scripture Phrafeas near as may be ) fitted unto the Nature of the feveral Ordinances, and that it be left to the Minifisr's choice to of one or the other at his Dìfcre- tion.] In the mean time, and till this be done, although we do heartily with and delire that the Minifters in their feveral Churches becaufe they diflike fèmeClaufès, and Expreflions,would not totally lay afide theufe ofthe Bookof Common Prayer, but read thofe Parts againft which there can be no Exception, which would be the belt Infance ofdeclining thofe Marks of Diftin&ion, which we fo much la- bour and defire co remove : Yet in co:npaflion to divers of our good Subjeets N n 2 who