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282 tThe LIFE of the L I B. I §' r aa. But when Dr,. Reignolds. andMr: Calamy askt my Thoughts, I told them; 'that diftinguilhingbetween what is limply, and what is by 'Accident Evil, I thought that as Epifcopacy is defcribed in the Kings Declaration, it is lawfirl, when better cannot be had ; but yet Scandal might make it unfitfor fome Men more than others : Therefore to Mr. Calamy I would give no Cornfèl, but for Dr. Reignolds I perfuaded himtoaccept it, To-be it he would publickly declare that he took it but on theTerms of the King'sDeclaration, and would lay it down when hecould no longer exercife it on thole terms : only I left it to his Conuderation whether it be better flay till we fee whattheywill do with the Declaration; and for my felt,. I was confident -I Ihould fee caufe to refufe ir. § 723. When I came next to the Lord Chancellor, ( thenext day fave one) he asked me of my Refolution, and put me to it to fuddenly, that I was forced to de- _ lay no longer, but told him that I could not accept it, for leveral Reafons' and it was net the leaft that I thought I could betterferve theChurch without it tf he would but profecute the eftablílhment of the Terms granted : And becaufeI . thought that it would be ill taken if I refuted it on any but acceptable Reafons, and altothat Writing would fervebeft again(t mifreports hereafter, I the next Day put this Letter into theLord Chancellor's Hand, which he took in good Part ; In which I concealed the molt of my Reafons, and gave thebelt, and ufedmoreFree. dom in my farther Requefts, than I expected Ihould have any good Succefs. My Lord, YO U12 gnat Favour and Condefcention encourages me to giveyes more of my Strife' of the Bafeefs which your Lord/hip was pleafed to propound. I war till Ifew the Decla- ration, much dejected, and refolved againft a Bifhoprick ar unlawful. But finding there more than on Oetob. zz. ha Majefty granted us (in the Pallor', Confect, &c. the Ru- ral Dean With the whole Miniftry enabled to exercife as mach perfuafvePatoral Power ar 'could dcftre ( who believe the Church herb no other kind ofPower, unlejl communicated from the Magistrate) Subfcriptionabated in the Univerfttieo, &c) Andfindingfucbbap- py Conceffions in the great point of Parochial Power and Difcipline, and in the Liturgy and Ceremonies, &c. my. Soul rejoiced in thankfulneß to God and his Inftruments, and myCon- fcience prefenrly told me it wet, my Duty, to do my heft withmy fe/f and others as far as I ° had Intereft andOpportunity, to fupprefs all fnful Difiontents ; and having competent Ma- terials now put intomy Hands, (without which I couldhave done nothing) to perfuade all my Brethren to Thankfuinefo,- and obedient Submifflon to the Government. And being railed to fame joyful hopeo of feting the Beginnings of a happy Union, 1 flrall crave.your Lordfhip'sPardon for ?returning ta till you what farther'endea'aàurt will be neceffary to ac- comphfb it : Y. If your. Lord]hop will 'endeavour to get .this Declaration pafs into an 'Alt. z. If yen will fpeedily procurea Commiffon to the Perfbnsthat are (equally) to be deputed to that work, to review the Common- Prayer -Book, according to the Declaration. Ifyou will further effzllùally the Redoration of able, faithful-Mini/ters (who bave and will bave great Intereft, in the fiber part of the People) to a foiledftation of Service in the Church, who are lately removed. 4. If you will openfome way:. for the ejection of the in- fo ctenr, fcandalous and unable. f. If you will put as ynany of our Perfnafon as you can into, Bjhopricks (if it may. be, more than three.) 6. If yogi will define the Bithops to- - placefome ofthem in inferior Places of mull ; efpccially Rural Deanries; which is a Stati- on futtable to m, in that it bath no SatIery or Maintenance, nor coercive Power, but that funple, paftoral yerfuafsve Power which we defirer This 'much will fez. us till in' Iona. And for myown part', Ihope by Lettersthis very Week to difperfe the Seeds if Satisfalli- en into many Countries of England. But my Confience commanding meto make ibis my 'very- Work and Buf:nefs ( unleß the thingsgranted fhould. be revrrft, which God ferdd) 'mug profefl to your Lordthip, that I am utterly againft accepting of a Bifboprick (as -be- caufe Iamcanfcious that it will over-match my fuiciency, .and alright-me with the remem-' ',ranee of my Account for fo great anUndertaking, &c. fo) *curtly becaufe it willvery much difableme from an off, ettual promoting ofthe Churches Peace. As Men will pep,* all my 'Argumentation, and Per(uafives, when they fee me in the Dignity which I plead for, but will take me to"peak:my Confcience impartially, when I am but ae one of them, fo Imuft profefto. your Lordfhip, that it willflop myown Mouth, fo that I cannot for Shame(leak half fo freelyas now Ican (and will ifGod enable me) for Obedience and Peace, white I krona that the Hearers will be thinking I ampleading for my "elf. Therefore I humbly -crave, i. That -