PART II. ReverendMr. Richard Baxter. 283 r. That your Lordship will put fame able Man of our perfwafion into the place which you intend me (Though F now think that Dr: Reignolds andMr. Calamy may better ac- cept of a Bifhoprick than , which I hope your Lordship will promote ). I Pall profumo to offer fame Choice toyour Confderation; Dr. Francis Roberts of Wrington in Somer- fetihire ( known by bisWorks ), Mr. Froyzal of Cien in Shropshire and Hereford Dioceji (a Man of great worth and good interefl ), Mr. DanielCawdrey of Billing inNorthamptonshire; Mr. Anthony Burgefs of Sutton-Coldfield in Warwicklhire ( all known by their printedWorks ); Mr. John Trap ofGlocefterfhire , Mr. Ford of Exeter, Mr. Hughes of Plymouth, Mr. Bampfield of Sherborne , Mr. Woodbridge of Newbury, Dr. Chambers, Dr. Bryan andDr. Grew both of Coventry, Mr.Brinf- ley ofYarmouth, Mr. Porter of Whitchurch in Shroplhire, Mr. Gilpin ofCumber- land, Mr. Bowles of York, Dr,Temple o Bramplton in Warwickfhire : I need name no more. x. That you will believe that I as thankfully acknowledge your Lonffhip's Favour, as if I were by it pofid of a Bofboprick t And ifyour Lordship continue in tbofe Intentions, I pall thankfully accept it in any other (late orrelation that mayfurther my Service to the Church and to bis Majefly. But I desire for the forementioned Reasons that it may be noCa- thedral Relation. And whereas the Vicar of the Pariflo where I have lived will not refpn, but accept rime only as bis Curate, ifyour Lordfhipwould procure him fme Prebendary, or other place ofCompetent Profit (for Idare not motion bim to any Pastoral Charge, or Place that reguiretbpreaching), that fa he might resign that Vicaridge to me, without bis Loß according to the late Aí1, before December, for the fake of that Town ( of Kiddermin- ffer ) Ifloould take it as a verygreatfavour. But if there be anygreat Inconvenience on Difficulties in theway, I can well be content to be bis Curate. I crave your Lord(hip's par- don of this trouble (whichyour own Coudefcenfronbath drawn uponyou) and remain Nov. r: 1660 Your Lordfhips much obliged Servant, Rich. Baxter. I have prefumed in tender you the inclofed Lift ofdesired Members of the Indian Corporation ; fuppofing your Lordship will Name what Perlons of higher Quality you fee meet. And alfo the French Pro- jeet with thisof London for a Corporation for the Poor, that by fuck Generals you may be prepared to receivethe Londoner's Petition when it is offered, § 124. Mr. Calamy blamed me for giving in my Denial alone , before we had refolved together what to do. But I told him the truth, that being upon other ne- ceffary Bufinefs with the Lord Chancellour, he put me to it on the fudden, fo that I could not conveniently delaymyAnfwer. § azç. And Dr. Regnoids almoft as fuddenly accepted it, faying, That force Friend bad taken out the Conge d'eflierfor bim without his knowledge. But he read to me a Profelfìon direetedto theKing, which he had written, wherein he profeffed that he took a Bifhop and Presbyter to differnot ordine but grado, and that a Bishop was but the Chief Presbyter, and that hewas not to Ordain or Govern but with his Presbyter's ABifance and Confent, and that thus he accepted of the place, and as defcribed in the King's Declaration, and not as it flood before in England, and that he would no longer hold or exercife it than he could do it on thefe terms] : To this fence it was; and he told ;me that he would offer it the King when he accepted of the place; but whether he did or notI cannot tell. Hedy'd in the Bifhoprick of Norwich An: 1676. § 126. On Friday Novemb. z. being Al -Souls-day , the Queen came in : And there were that day on the Thames three Tydes in about Twelve hours, to the common admiration of thePeople. § 527. Mr. Calamy long fufpendedhisAnfwer fo that that Bilhoprick was long undifpofedof; till he faw the iffue of all our Treaty, which eafily refolved him. And Dr. Manton was offered the Deanery of Rocbefter, and Dr. Bates the Deanery 0 0 2 of