PAR T H. RevèrendMr. Richard Bakter. 285 . We cannot but adore Divine Goodnefs for your Majefty's ftedfaft adherence- ` to the Proteftant Religion, notwithftanding all Temptations and Provocationsto ' the contrary, and your profeffed Zeal for the Advancement and Propagation ` thereof, declaring, that nothing can be propofed to inanifeffyour Zeal and Af- fedtion for ir, to which you will not readily content. Your Majefly has green:m[y declared, That your Refolution is, and [hall be, ` to promote the Power of Godltnei's, toencourage theExercifès of Religion,both ` publick and private, to take care that the Lord's day be applyed to holy Exer- ' cifes, without unneceffary Divertifements; and that infu6iicient, negligent and ` fcandalous Miniflers be not permittedin the Church. Your Majefty hathgranted ' that noBithop (hallOrdain, or Exercife any part of Jurifdiltion which apper- rains to the Cenfures of the Church, without the advice and afiîffance of the ' Presbyters, andneither do, nor impofe any thing, but what is according to the `known Lawsof theLand. Excluded Chancellours, Commiffaries, and Officials ` from Alls of Jurifdidtion : fohappily rellored the Power of the Pallors in their `feveral Congregations; and granted a Liberty to all the Miniflers to affemble ` Monthly for the Exercife of the Palloral perfwafive Power, tothe promoting of ` Knowledge and Godlinefiin their Flocks. Your Majefty hash gracioufly nromi- `fed a Review, and effeetual Reformation of the Liturgy, with additionafForms ` to beufed at Choice : And in the mean time, that nonebe punifhed, or troubled ` for not ufing it. Your Majefty bathgracioufly freed us from Subfcription rè- `quired by the Canon, and the Oath of Canonical Obediience; ,and granted us toreceive Ordination, Inflitution and Indudtion, and to exercife our Funetion, andenjoy the profit of ourLivings, without the fame. Your Majefty hash gra- ` tified the Confciences of many, who are grieved with the ufe of fome Ceremo- nies, by indulging to, and difpenfing with their omitting thofe Ceremonies, viz. Kneeling at the Sacrament, the Crofs in Baptifm, bowing at the Name of `Jefas, and wearing of the Surplice. ` All this your Majefty's Indulgence and tender Compaflion ( which with de- ' light we have taken the boldnefs thus largely toCommemorate ) Ave receive with all humility and thankfulnefs and,as the belt Expre[lion thereof, shall never ceafe ` topray for your Majefty's loig and profperousReign ; and ftudy how in our ` feveral Stations we may be molt lnfrumental in your Majefty'sService : And that ` we may not bedefelfive in Ingenuity, we crave leave toprofefs, that though all ' things in thisFrame ofGovernment benot exadtlyfuited to our Judgment yet ` your Majefty's moderation hath fo great an influence upon us , that we shall to ` our utmoll endeavour the healingof theBreaches, and promoting the Peace and `Union of the Church. ` There are fome other things that have been propounded by our Reverend Bre- thren, which, upon our knees, with all humble Importunity, we could beg of `your Welty , efpecially that Re-ordination, and the Surplice in Colledges `may not be impeled; and we cannot layafide our Hopes, but that that God, who bath thus far drawnout your Majefty'sBowels and Mercy, will further in- ',cline your Majefty'sHeart to gratifie us in thefe our humble Deliresalto. `That we be not further burthenfome,we humbly beg leaveto thankyour ` Majefty for the Liberty and Refpeetvouchfafed to our ReverendBre- thren in this weighty Affair of Accommodation. TheGodof Heaven Nets your Majefty, and all the Royal Family, Your Majefty's molt LoyalSubjells, Sa. Clark. Will. Cooper. Eli. Pledger. Tbo. Caf. WAU. Whittaker. Will. Bate,. yo. Rarelínfon. The. 5'acomb. Yo. Gibbon. Yo. Sheffield. The. Lye. Mat, Poole. The. Gouge. yo. yackfan. With may o. Gab, Sanger. Yo. Mori ten. there. This Addrer was Prefented to his Majefty at Whitehall, Nov. 16. byTomeof there Miniflers, to whom hewas pleated to return a verygracious Anfwer. - M London, Printed byhis Majefty's Approbation for yob. Rotbwel, at the Sign of the Fountain in Cbeepftde, in Goldfinitbs Row, 166o.