PA K T II. RevérerId Mr. Richard. Baxter. 289 &ehunqueftionable Witnefs, tune Brethren would by all means tell the King of it,' as by the by, to move him to reformSuch things : When wewere next withhim, Dr. Manton told him of it, and there beingone Baker elected by the.King to ah Irilh Bifhoprick, and the common Fame andfome of the Hearersfaying, that it was the fame Man ; I'feconded.Dr. Manton, and told the King, That we couldnot fay upon our knowledge that it was true, but when the Fame of filch 'things was common as to affect hisSubjeâs, be it true or falle, we thought it better for his Majefly to hear what the People laid, than never to hear it : and alfó.that it was faid, That this Baker was one thafhe had elected to be a Bithop. This greatly troubled the King, and he called for the Book that had the Catalogue of the Bi Shops ; which Secretary Nicholas brought, and faid there was no fach Name ; But theKing prefently fpied the Name ; andfaid, There it was , and charged that he Should be enquired after. The next day we learned that it was another Baker of the fameName with the Bifhop: And thoughwe alto learned that the Bithop him Self was a Good- fellow, yet becaufe it' was not the fame Man , I went the next. day to Mr. Secretary Morrice, and intreated him to certifie the King , that it was another Baker, that fo the Bishop might receive no wrongby it : which he promi- fed to do. Yet wasit given out that wewere Lyers and Slanderers, that malicioufly came to defame the Clergy : And thortly after the Bishop put it into the News Book, That foamPresbyterians had malicioufly defamed him, and that it was not he, bur anot ser of hisName. So that though the Fad was never queftionedor denied, yet was it a heinoufer matter in us to fay that it was reported to be an a-. led Bithop, when it was as ancient a PrieRof the fame name, than for the Man to preach and pray in hisDrunkennefs. I never heard that he was rebuked for it; but we heard enough of it. § e47. Upon this Fad, when we met and dined one day at the Lord Cham- berlains, among other talk' of this Bufinefs, I raid, [That if I wifreel their hurt ai, one of their Enemies, 1jhouldwifh theywere more fucb, that their frame might call them down]. Mr. Horton (a young Man'that was Chaplain to the Lord Chamberlain, and then intended to conform) anfwered, That sore 'lieu/I not with evil, that good may come of it. To which I replyed, There is nodoubt ofit far is it from me to fay that Iwi(l it ; but if 1 were their Enemy, I could Scarce with them greater hurt and injury to their Canfe, than toSet upfetch Men; and that thole are their Enemies, whoever they be, that perfwade them to call out learned, godly Miniflerï, and fit up fach in their reach ai theft. Yet did this Mt. Horton, in his complying weaknefs to pleafe that Party, tell Dr. Bolton, That 1 wijhed that they were all filch : And Dr. Bolton told it from Table to Table, and publifhed it in the Pulpit : And when hewas quellioned for it, alledg- ed Mr. Horton as his Author. When I.went to Mr. Horton, he excufed it,andlaid, That be thought I hadfaidfo ; and when I told him of the additional words, by whichthen f difclaimed filch a fence, he could not remember them; and that was all the remedy I had ; though none ofthe Brethren prefent remembred any Such word's as he reported. But when theLord Chamberlainknewof it,hewas fómuch offended, that I was fain to intercede for Mr. Horton, that it might not prove any hurt to him. And by this followingLetter heexprell his diftall For my efleemed FriendMr. Baxter, Theft. SIR, IHavefull Caufe to intreat year Excufe for fe abrupt a breaking from' you : I confeß I Was under very great trouble, for the follyof my Chaplain, and could not forbear to expreß Pt* btm. I am concernedwith a very true refentmentfor fe imprudent a Carriage. Let me intreat you that it maynet'reßetl upon me, but thatyou will believe that I havefi great a value ofyou, and amfo tender ofyour Credit, as I cannot eafi& pap by my Chap- lain's indiferetion : YetI (hall endeavour to clear you from any untrue Afterfione , andfhall approve myfdf Your alluredFriend, Ed, Manehefter. Pp ¢ 148 .