Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

P A Ii T Iï. RevëreìídMr, Richard Baxter. g:à ter taken here, if the Praia ofPiety were printed beforeany 'thingof mine. At the prefènt the Revenuesof theLand goeth mofi to the maintainingof the Pre&, Upon the occafionof chis Work, I had chele Letters of Thanks from the Court and Governour in New-England, and from Mr. Norton and Mr. Elliot. Reverend andmuch honouredSir "'Viawe who are petfonally unknown to you, do in this manner apply our 11 fèlves, is rendred not only excufable, but unleis we will be ingrateful, necef= e fary, by Obligations from your felf; with whom the interett of poor Strangers in ° a remote Wildernefs bath been fo regarded as tothew them kindnefs,and that (we believe) upon the heft account, ( s. e. ) for the Lord'sfake. We have underliood ` from thofe that were employedby us, with what loving and cordial readinefs,you ` did upon requeft put forth your felt to further our Concealments inour late Ap- plications to his Majeffy ; for which a& of favour and love we cannot but re- e turn our unfeigned thankful Acknowledgments ; and the rather becaufe weknow e no Argument that couldmove your Thoughts in it, but that of the poor Pro. ' phets Widow, viz. That your Charity did look upon your Servants as Fearer of ` the Lord, Love unto whom, we perfwade our felves was the Root that bare this. a Fruit of Love and Kindnefs tous, and that at filch a time as this. We trull the faithful God will not forget your Work and Labour of Love which you have Chewed towards his Name, in minifiring to the helpof fome part of his unworthy e People whoaie Exiles in this Wildernefs wehope for his Names fake. Sir, You Ïhall further oblige this poor People, and do that that will not be tin- ' pleating to him who is our Lord and yours, by the continuance of your Loveand Improvement of your Interefls and Opportunities in our behalf. What advan- tage God hash put into your hands, and refereed your weak Body unto, by ac- ` Ceti unto Perlons of Honour and Trull, or otherways, wehope it will be nc ' grief of heart unto you another day, if you Ihall Improve part thereof this way r ' All that we delire is Liberty to ferve God according to the Scriptures : Liberty unto Errour and Sin, or to fat up another Rule befides the Scriptures, weneither with to be allowed to our felves, norwould we willingly allow it untoothers. If in any thing we Mould miflake the meaning of the Scriptures, as we hope it is not inany Fundamental Matter that we do fo ; (having therein the Concurrence of all the godly Orthodox of the Reformed Proteflant Religion), fo on the other hand, in Mattersof an inferiour and more difficult Nature (wherein godlyChri- ' (lions may differ, and Ihould bear difference without difturbance) we are willing anddefirous to live and learnby any orderly means that God bath appointed for ` our Learning and.Inftru&ion ; and glad Ihall we be of the opportunity to (earn in peace. The Liberty aforefaid, we have by the favourof God, now for many years enjoyed, and the fame advantaged and encouraged by the Gonflitutìon of ` our Civil Government, according to Conceflions and Priviledges granted and eftablifhed to us by the gracious Letters Patents of King Charles the Fidl, the continuance of .which Priviledges (concerning which his Majefly's late gracious Letter to us bath given as very great encouragement) is our earnell and jufi de- ' fire; for nothing that is unjuít, or nor honer both in the fight ofthe Lord, and alloof Men, do we feek, or would allow our felves in. We hope we fhall con- e time as,faithful Subjeas to his Majeffy ( according to our Dut.y) and he every way as beneficial to the Interelt ofour Nation, under an Eleetive Government as under an Impofed : Be t fundry particular Perlons, for private refpeets, are, as we hear, earneflly foliciting to bring Changes upon us, and do put in many high Complaints againft us ; in fpecial, that the Generation ofthe Quakers, are our bitter and reftlefs Enemies, complaining of Perfècution, but are themfelves moll troublefome and implacable Perfecutors of us, who delire but to keep our own ' Vineyard in peace. Our hope is in God who bath hitherto helped us, and who is able to keep open forus a great and effeetual Door of Liberty to ferve him, and `opportunity to advance his Name in this Wildernefs; although there be many Adverfaries, among which he can raife up for us ComeFriends ; as he bath done your felf: And as a Friend loveth at all times, and a Brother is born for Adver- Pp_a °fty,