Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

192 The LIFE of the L I B. T. fity, fo may you in this timeofour threàtnedAdverliity, Rill perform thepartof.a ` Friend, asopportunity ferves, we Ihatl be further much ingaged to Thankfume£, unto God and you who are, Boffin in New-England, this S I R, 7thof4ugufl, 166i. roar Friends and Brethren in the Faith of Cbrifl, Jo. EndecottGovernour With the Confine and by Orli, ofthe General Court. ?o the Reverendand much Honoured Air. Richard Baxter one of his Majejls Chaplains in Ordinary. Reverend and dear Sir! '41"Hbugh you are unknownto me by Face, yet not only your Labours, but are 11 your fpecial Affifance in a time ofneed unto the promoting the welfare óf o this poor Country, certified unto us by Captain Leveret (uponwhich accountour o General Court thought good to return untoyou their Thanks in a Letter which I hope before this is received) have made your Name both known and precious ' to us in there Parts. TheOccafion of there, is in the behalf of one Mr. William `Leer Governour of New-HavenJurifdiEtion, whole Cafe is this. He being confci- ` ous of indifcretion and fomenegleít ( not to fayhow it came about) in relation to, the expeditingthe Execution of the Warrant accordingto his Duty, Pent from ' his Majefty forthe apprehending of the two Colonels,isnot without fear of fome ' difpleafurethat may follow thereupon,and indeed bathalmolt ever Since beenaMan ' depreffed in his Spirit for the neglelt wherewith he chargeth himfelf therein. ' His endeavours allo Since have been accordingly, and that in full degree, as be- ' fides his own Teftimony, his Neighbours atteft, they fee not what he could have ' done more. Sir, Ifany report prejudicial to this Gentleman in this refpeá, ` come unto your Ear by your prudent Enquiry upon this Intimation , or other- ' wife: fo far as the lignificationof thePremifes unto his Majefy,or other eminent Perron may plead for him, or avert trouble towards him, I affuremyPelf, you ' may report it as a real Truth i and that according to your Wifdom, you would ' be helpful to him fo far therein isboth his and mydefire. The Gentleman hath purfued bothothers and my Pelf with Letters to this effe&, and yet not fatisfied ' therewith, came to Bolìan to disburdenhis heart to me formerly unacquainted ` with him, only force few times in Company wherehe was ; iffueof which Conference, no better Expedient under God, prefented it lif tous than this. So far as you Shall fee caufe,as the matter requireth, to let the Premifes be underftood, ' is finally left with your felf under God. Sir, TheAuthor of thereLines, it Shall be your favour and a pledge ofLove ' undeferved, to conceal, farther than the neceffity of the End defired Shall call for. And if hereby you Shall take occafion ( being in place of difcovery) ro intern- ' gene the Writer touching your oblervances with relation to the concernment,of this People, your Advertifements may not only be of much ufe unto this whole ' Country, but further your account, and minifter unto many muchcaufe ofThanf- ' givingon your behalf. And I Shall be bold upon fach encouragement (if Godper- ' mirs) to giveyou a more diftinit account how it fareth withus, I mean ofthe Reps ' ofDivine Providence, astothePublick, both inour Civils and Ecclefaltick',which at Comefpare time, may haply be looked at as a matter ofcontentful Meditationto your felf. I crave now pardon for being thus bold with you,andwill not prefume ' any further to detain you. TheLord Jefes be with your Spirit, and let him alfo ' be remembred by you in your Prayers, who is inchief; SIR, Bohan, Septa;. Toursin any Serviceof the GOel, r66r. John Norton. For the Reverend and bis much Honoured Friend Mr. Baxter, Chaplain in Ordinary to his M4e/y Reverend