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304 The LIFE of the L I B.1. ` Pinion Dr. in Divinity, Thomas Pierce Dr. in Divinity,Antbony Sparrow Dr. in Di. vinity,Herbert TborndikeBatchelourin Divinity , .Thomas. Horton Dr. in Divinity, Thomas Jacomb Dr. in Divinity,W:lliam Bates, John Rawlinfan Clerk, William Coop. ' er Clerk, Dr. John Lightfoot, Dr.Job, Collins, Dr. Benjamin Wòedbridge, and Wil- ' liam Drake Clerk, Greeting. Whereas by our Declaration of the Five and men- ' tieth of OrWber lati concerning Ecclefialtical Affairs,we did amongti otherthings exprefs an efteem of the Liturgyof the Churchof England, contained in theBook ` of Common Prayer, and yet fine we find fome Exceptions made againft feveral ' things therein, we did by our faid Declaration declarewe would appoint an equal ' number of Learned Divinesof both Perfwafións, to review the fame, and tomake fach Alterations therein as (hall be thought molt neceffary; and fome additional ' Forms in the Scripturephrafe, as near as might be, Cited to the nature of the fe- veral Parts of Worihip, we thereforein accomplilhment of our faid Will and In- tent, and of our continued and conftant Care andStudy for the Peace and Uni- ty of the Churches within our Dominions, and for the removal Of all Excepti- ons and Differences; andOccafions of Differences, and Exceptions fromamongft our good Subjects for or concerning the faid Book of Common Prayer, or any thing therein contained, do by thefe our Letters Patents require, authorize, con- ' flitute and appoint you the faid accepted Arehbifhop of Tork; Gilbert Bilbop of London, Jabn Bithopof Durham, John Bithop of Rocheer, Henry Bishop ofChi- ` ehefler, Humphrey Bilbop of. Sarum, George hilltop of forceffer, Robert hilltop of ` Lincoln, Benjamin hilltopofPeterbargb, Bryan Bilbop of Chefier, Richard hilltop of ` Carliße, John Bilbopof Exeter, Edward Bilbop of Norwich, AnthonyTuckney,John ` Conant, William Spurflow, John Walla, Thomas Manton, Edmund Calamy , Richard ` Baxter, Arthur Jackfn, Thomas Cafe, Samuel Clark and Matthew Newcomen, to ad- ' vife upon and review the faid BookofCommon Prayer, comparing the fime with the moll ancient Liturgies whichhave been ufed in theChurch, inthe primitive and pureft Times: And to that end to affemble andmeet together, from time to .' time, and at filch times, within the fpaceof four Kalender Months now next enfuing, in the Matters Lodgings in the Savoy in the Strand in the County of Middlefex, or in fuehother place or places as to you !hall be thought fit and con- ' venient, to take into your ferious and grave Confederations, the feveral Diredi- ons, Roles and Forms of Prayer, and Things in the faid Bookof CommonPray- er contained, and to advife and confult upon and aboutthe fame, and the feveral Objections and Exceptions which shall now be raifed againft the fame. And if occalon be, to make fach reafonable and neceffary. Alterations, Corrections and Amendments therein, as by and between you and the faid Archbilhop, Bithops, Dodors, and Perfons hereby required and authorized tbmeet and advite as afore- ' laid, fhall be agreed upon tobe needful or expedient for the giving Satisfaction unto tender Confciences, and the reftoring and continuance of Peace and Uni- ty, in the Churches under our Protection and Government: But avoiding, as much as may be, all unneceffary Alterations of the Forms and Liturgy where-. with the People are already acquainted, and have fo long received in the Church of England. And our will and pleafure is, that when you the faid Archbilhop, Bithops, Dodors and Perfons authorized andappointed by. thefe our Letters Pa- tents, to meet, advifeand confult upon about the, Premifes aforefaid, lhall have drawn your Confultations to any Refolution and Determination which you !hall agree upon as needful or expedient to be done for the altering, diminilhing or enlarging the faid BookofCommon Prayer; or any part thereof, that thenyou forthwith certifie and prefent unto us in Writing, under your feveral Hands, the Matters and Things whereupon yog shall fo determine, for our Approbation. And to the end the fame, or fomuch thereof as (hall be approved by us, may be eftablilhed. And forafmuch as the laid Archbilhop and Bithops, having feveral great Charges to attend, which we would not difpenfe..with, or that the fame Mould be neglected upon any great occafion whatfoever, and force of them being of great Age and Infirmities, maynot be ablecontiantlyto attend the .Execution of the Service and Authority hereby given and required by, us in the Meetings ` and Confultations aforefaid, We Will therefore, and do hereby require and autho- rize you the faid Dr. Earley, Peter Heylin, Jobn Racket, Jabn Barwick, Peter Gm- ' ning, Jobn Pearln, Thomas Pierce, and Anthony Sparrow, and Herbert Tborndike , to fupply theplace or places of fach of the faid Archbilhop and Billions (other than ' the laid EdwardBithop of Norwich) as !ball by Age, Sicknefs, Infirmity, or other occafion, be hindred from attending the faid Meeting or Confultations, ( That n ' to fay) that oneofyou thefail Dr.Earle', Peter Heylin, John Hacker, John Barwick, Peter