P A ß T II. ReverendMr. Richard Baxter. ' Peter Gunning, yobn Pearfon, Thomas Pearce, Anthony Sparrow, and' Herbert Thorn- 'dike (hall from time to time fupply the Placeofeach one of them, the faid Arch- ' bilhop and Bilhops, other than the faid Edward, Bilhopbf Norwich, .which Ihall happen to be hindred, or to be abfent from the faid Meeting or Confultation5, ' and (halland may advife, and confult, and determine, and alfo certifie and exe- ' cute, all, and fingular the Power and Authority before mentioned, in and about the Premifes as fully and abfolutely, as fuch Archbishop or hithops, which Ihall fo happen to beabfent, Ihould or might do by Vertue of thel'e.our Letters Pa- ' tents, or any thingtherein contained, in cafe heor theywere personally prefent. Andwhereas in regard of the Distance of fome, the Infirmities of Others, the e multitude of conftant Imployments, and other incidental Impediments.; foamof you the Paid EdwardBilltop of Norwich, Anthony Tuckney,- 3obnConant, William .` 7S urflow, Jób1s Wallis, Thomar Manton, Edmund Calamy, Rich. Baxter, Arthur ackfan, Thomas Cafe, Samuel Clarke, and MatthewNewcomers may be hindred from the conftant Attendance in the Execution of the Service aforesaid, We ' therefore will, and do hereby require and authorize you the faid Tb,. Horton, 7ho- ` masJaeomb, William Bates, fobn Rawlinfan, William Cooper, John Lightfoot, Yoh* ` Collins, Benjamin Woodbridge, and William Drake to fupply the Place or Places of ` filch the Commillioners. halt above mentioned, as !hall by the meansaforefaid, or ' any other Occafion be hindred from the Paid Meeting and Confultations (that is to fay) that one of you the faid Thomas Horton, Thomas `facomb, William Bates, Yob; Rawlinfan, William Cooper, Dr. Lightfoot, ir. Collins, Mr. Woodbridge, and ` Mr. Drake thall from time to time supply the Placeof each oneof the laid Corn- ' millioners last mentioned, which shall happen to behindred, or be abfent from ' the Meetingsand Confultations, and flail and may advife, confult anddetermine, ' and alfo certifie and execute all and fingular the Powers and Authorities before ' mentioned, in and about the Premifes, as fully and abfolutely as fuch of the faid ` last mentioned Commiffionerswhich fhall fo happento be abfent, fhouldor might ' do by venue of these Our Letters Patents, or any thing therein contained, in !cafe he or theywere perfonally prefent. InWstneßwbereofwe baue caafed tbofe our Litters to be made Patento. Witnefs Our felt at Weftminfter, the five and twentieth Day of March, in the Thirteenth Tear of Our Reign; Per ipfünt Regem Boocker. Note that Dr. Roger Drake's Name being mifwrittenWilliam Drake, he there fore went not publickly withus. § tai. A Meetingwas appointed, andthe Savoy ( the Bilhop of London's Lodg- ings) named by them for the Placé. There met us Dr. Freyse,,, Archbishop of fork ; Dr. Sheldon, Bithop of London; Dr. Morley, hilltop öf Worcefler î Dr. Saun- derfon, Bifitop of Lincoln ; Dr. Cons, Bishop of Durham; Dr. Hincbman, Bilhopof Salisbury; Dr. Walton, Bithop of Cbefler Dr. Lany, Bilhop of Peterborough; Dr. Ring, Bithop of Rochester; Dr. Sterne, Bilhop of Carlisle (but the conftanteft Man after was, Dr. Camden, Bilhop of Exeter ). On the other fide there met, Dr.Reignolda, Bithop ofNorwich, Mr. Clerk, Dr. SpurfThw, Dr: Lightfoot, Dr. Wal e Dr. Matron, Dr. Bates, Dr. 3acomb, Mr. Cooper, Mn Rawlinfan, Mr: Ca/i and my felf. TheCommiffron being read, the Archbishop of Torn (a peaceable Man) fpake first, and told us, that he knew nothingof the Bufinefs, but perhaps the Bi- shop ofLondon knew more of the King's Mind in it, and therefore was fitter to (peak in it thanhe. TheBithop of London toldus, that it was-notthey, but we that had been the Seekers of this Cònference, and that defired Alterations in the Litur- gy; and therefore they had nothing to fay or do, till webrought inall that we had to fayagainst it in Writing, and all the additional Portos and Alterations which we desired. OurBrethrenwere very Much againtt thisMotion, and urged theKihg's Commiflion, which tequirethus to [meet together, adhAji and con /silt ]: They told him that byConference wemight perceive as we went what each would yield to, and mightmore speedily difpatch, and probably attain our End ; whereas Writing would be a tedious, endlefs Bufinefs, and we thould not hive that Familiarityand R r Acquaintanch