Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

31.° The LIFE of the L I B. I. us, andffseedily deliveras, who through oarfm andwsckedn j are fire let andhindered 1 without acquainting us what thewickednefs or the Jett is which is meant. The Prayer on Chriftmas-day determineth that ChriBwas born as on that day, when the world of learned Men are not agreed of the Month or Year, much ids the Day : And the fame Prayer is appointed for divers days after : fo that if by i day] is meant any other fpace of time than a Natural Day , then it is no fitter for Chriitmasday than another. If it meana Natural Day, then it is an untruth on the following days, in the fence of the Impofers. TheCollect on Se. Stephen's day bath but one Petition. That on St.'obn's day path nothing in it proper to him in the reafon of it. That the Jews .Children arecalled Innocents, that were two years old ; and that they are faid to confefs drift by dying, and fo muff have aHoly -day, when they confeffed him but objectively as Sacrifices did ; that hence we take occafion to pray for the killing ofVices in us, that our Lives may exprefsour Faith; is partly uncer- tainty (at the heft) and partly incoherence. The Colle& for the Epiphany bath no Petition, but one, for [the fruition of thegls. rioas Godhead after this L]. The Coiledfor the firftSunday after the Epiphany is o more pertinent to that day than to another; and is only for the Generals [tthe bearing of am Prayers, the knowingour duty and doing it]. That for the fecondSunday after Epiphany is no more pertinent, and is only for audience andpeace. That on the third Sunday after theEpiphany is no more pertinent ; and hath no- thingbut in General, that Godwin lookapon our Infirmities, and help us in all dangers and necefties. The fame is to be faid of that for thefourth Sunday after Epiphany, which is on- ly for [health of body and foul to pa/and overcome Sufferings]. The Colle& for the keeping of the Church in the true Religion, is nomore per- tinent to the fifth.Sunday after the Epiphany, than to another day. The Colle& on Septuagefsma Sunday is, [that we that are juflly punifbed for our of- fences, may be mercifully delivered ]; when perhaps the Church is tinder no fpecial Punifhment : nor is there any reafon for the order of this Prayer. Thaton the Sunday called Sexagefsma hash no reafon of its location or order there : and bath no Petition but that fo oft repeated one, to be [defendedagainfl all adverftty]. The Petition for Charity onQaingnagefsma Sunday , bath no reafon for difor- der ; not for appropriation to that day, but fhould be part of every days Re. queito. The fame is to be faidof the Collet on the firft day of Lent; which alfo un- Ithndfomly faith, that [Godhateth nothing that he bath made], which is true only in a formal fence, quâ tales ; Forbe batetb all the worksofiniquity, Pfal. S. f TheGeneral Petitions on the fecond Sunday in Lent, [to keep our bodies from ad- ver/ty, and our fouls from evilthoughts] have no reafonfor their order. The fame is true of that on the thirdSunday in Lent, which bath no Petition, but that God will look upon our defines, andlretcbfortb hi right hand to be our defence againJl Enemies. . There isno more reafon for that order of that on the fourth Sunday in Lent, which is only a Petition [for reliefto as thatare worthily punifhed], when perhaps we are underno fpecial Punilhment, but in Profperity. The fame Ataxie is in that on the fifth Sunday inLent, which asketh nothingbut to be [governed andpreferved evermore]. That on the Sunday before Eafler, and divers days after, giveth no reafonof Chrift's Incarnation and Death, but that [all mankindfhouldfollow theexample of his humility], and yet mutt be ufed rather then that on the fecond Sunday after Ea:1hr, which in fewer words conjoyneth [botha Sacrifice for Sin, and alfo an Enfample of GodlyLife]. The firft Colle& on Good- fryday bath no Petition -, but that God will [ gracioufly behold this his Family] ( inconveniently alló expreffed; the Pronoun [rbis] feeming plainly to mean, that,particular Congregation ; which is not tobe calledGod's Fa- mily, but part of ir). The following Colleets for the day are good, but have no order as to their loca- tion, Even