Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

PART II. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. 3 í Even the Collect on Eafler-day is diforderly, and dry, having ho Requefi an- nexed to the mention of thrift'sRefurreEtion, but that [by 'God's help we may bring the good defsrel bebath given us togoodchit], which alfo is repeated the next day , and alto on the firtt Sunday after. EaJter. That on the fecond Sundayafter Falter is fitter for Goad-friday, but indeedmutt be a daily Petition. That on the third Sunday after Eager bath no reafon ofits order orplacing there. The fame is true of that for the fourth Sunday after Rafter : and that on thefifth Sunday : which are but Generals (to think and dogod). That onWbitfunday and divers days after, ufeth the words [ as upon this day] of which before : and petitioneth for no gift of the Spirit, but [ a right judgment and rejóycing].. That on Trinity Sunday asketh nothingat all, but [ through the fledfaftnc[{ of cut Faith to be defended evermorefrom all adverftty]. A PetitionTo frequentlyrepeated, even alone, as ifwe would perfwade the Enemies of the Church, that we are a worldly carnal People;-and principally leek the things that peril]: : when indeed it is a fin to pray tolie[ evermore defended from all adverfsty ] ; when God hat: tolti us, that through many tribulations we mull enter into his kingdom; and that he that will livegodly in Chrifl¿fets, jhall'uffer perfectrtirm,and that GodchaÍtewth everyfan whom be receiveth, and that he that willbe Chrill's Difciple mull deny hirhflf, and forlake all and take up bisCrof and follow him, accounting theafiblions of thisprelim time-unworthy to becompared with theglory to be revealed. That on the firft Sunday after Trinityh as the relt; having no fpecial refpeei to theday, ororder of Requefts: and eontaineth only the General Requeil, fo oft re- peated, of Grace to keep God's Commandments andpleafe him. No morereafon is there for theorder of the Petition for [fear and love] on the fecond Sunday after Trinity.' Nor ofthat on the third Sunday, which only asketh audience, and that God [by bis mighty aid will defendus) without any infiancing from what. No more reafon is there-for the order of the Requeffson the fourth Sunday after Trinity, the fifth, the fixth, the fevench, the eighth ( whichonly prays God, whole Providence is neverdeceived, toput awayfrom us allhurtfu! things, and giveSi thole things that be profitable: all meer Generals; in, Whichno particular repentanceor defines areexpreffed). :So alfo on theninthSunday ( that bath the like Generals) and on the tenthSunday, which asketh nothing but that we may obtain our petitions, and ask that -whichpleafeekGat and that on the eleventh Sunday (that we running to the Premifeámay. bepartekero of the heavenlyTreaJure) i and that on the twelfth ( which askethfor that which we dare notprofumo toask) : and that on thethirteenth (chat we mayfo run to thepremifes as- to attainthem) which is all the Petition : and that on the fourteenth ; and that on the fifteenth ( kelp us ever by thy belp,and lead us to all things profitable re-aeer falvation) ; and that on the fixteenth, the feventeenh,the eigh t teenth (where [the infellions of the Devil] is an inconvenient phrafe ); the nine- teenth, the twentieth, the one and twentieth, the twoand twentieth (which again prays that the Church may liefreefrom all adverfsties) : the threeand twentieth (which is nothing butin general, that what weask may begranted) ; the four and twentieth (forfergiveneß); the five and twentieth (for Good works) ; all- which are with- out any fpecial reafon both appropriated to the feveral days, andplaced where they Band in the order ofour Requefts. The.Petition on Sr. Thomas's day, for fo perfell a Faith as jhal never be reprovedin the fight ofGod, is of doubtful conveniency, becaufe contrary to the Scripture pre- di &ionof theevent. In the Collett on St. john Baprafis day, thepreaching ofPenance, is a word of a moremifleading tendency, as now ufed, than the preaching of Repentance. 14. TheLord's Prayer is a third time to be recited before the Communion: when yetas it is a Rule ofPrayer as to order, it is forfaken through the Book. Thenext Prayer for loving andmagnifyingGod'slhanie,ismoll neceffary,but there out of order. TheCommandments come in alfo out of order, without any fpecial reafonof con- nexion towhat goeth before and followeth. Sodo the following Prayers for the Ring, which yet in themfelves are verygood. And the Epillie, andGofpel, and Creed. - The Churchwardens arenot direetedto anorderly collefiion for the Poor. In