Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

314 The LIFE of the L Alfo the Prayer of [giving the Spirit to the bffant,that he being born again] feems to import the EffeEts of Baptifm onChrift's part,(as underftood bythe CommonPrayer Book) to be not given by the Private Baptifm. In the Rubrick for Confirmation, the Order that Children !hall be Confirmed when they can fay the Creed, Lord's Prayer, and TenCommandments , and an- fwer the Quefions of the Catechifm, kerns contrary to the firlt and third Rea- fons, which require that Solemn Renewal or owning of their Covenant, which or- dinarily they are not ripe for, of many years after they can fay the Cate- chifm. And though we fuppofe,. the meaning was only to exclude the Neceffityof any other Sacrament to baptized Infants, yet thefe Words are dangerous, as to miflead the Vulgar, [He (hall know for a Truth, that it si certain by God's Word, that Chil- dren being baptized have all things neceffary for their Salvation, and be undoubtedlyfaved]. The meaning is ex parte Ecclef:ae but it bath miflead many to think it is abfolute, and comprehendeth all things neceffary in every refpeet. In a Catechifm where fomany neceffary Points are patted over , it's diforderly to put two fuch frivolous Queftions in the beginning, as [What rayour Name? and Wbo gaveyou tbraName ?] In the Catechifm there is omitted fome of the EJfential Attributes of God, with- out which he cannot be rightly known. There is alto omitted the Doctrine of the Lawmade to Adam, and of Man's Fall, and theDoárine of our Mifery is infuffici- ently touched : The Perfon, Office, and Properties of the Redeemer , are fo in- fuffciently opened, as that we fhould think the Effentials ofChrillianity are omit. ted, were it not that they are (generally at leap) expreffed in the Creeditfelf,which is more full than the Explicationof it. There is nomention of the Holy Scrip- tures in it : and the Doátrine of the Covenant of Grace is very defeetively expref- fed ; andfo is the Do&rineof SanCtification, and other parts of the Work of the Holy Gboft ; and the whole Do&rine of God's Judgment and Execution: and that of Man's Duty, and even the Nature and Ufe of the Sacraments , in which it is fullelt : as will appear by a true comparing it with what weoffer. .The Prayers and Adminiftration of Confirmation fuppofe all the Children brought to be Confirmed, tohave the Spiritof Chrift and the forgivenefs of all their Sins ; whereas a great number of Children at that Age ( that we fay not the far greaterpart) do live a carnal, carelefs Life,, and Phew no Love to God above all, no prevalent Selfdenial, Mortification, nor Faith in Chrilt, and Heavenly- mindednefs, nor ferious Repentance for the Life of Sin which they continue in af- ter Baptifm : Therefore to there Children Confirmation is not tobe Adminiftred, till befides the Paying of the Catechifm, they make a credible Profeifion of Faith, Repentance and Obedience : And to them that do not thus,Confirmation is agrofs and perillous Abure. In the concluding Rubrick there is no care taken for the multitude that being pall Childhood, underftandnot.what it is to be a ChritHan : who alto have need of Catechizing. In Matrimony there Words [ Far be ye well af/ared that fo many as be cooled toge- ther otberwife than God's Word sloth allow, are not oined togetherby God, neither is their Matrimony Lawful] do dangeroully fpeak that of Irregularities in General, which is true only of force greater Faults that are contrary to the Effentials ofMatrimony: For in manyCafes goadfieri non debet, fauns valet. The Ring fhould not be forced on chafe that fcruple it. The oblolete Phrafes [With my Body I theeWorfhip, &c.) fhould be changed. ThePrayers at the Tableare diforderly Repetitions, not delivering that in many Words, which may be exprefl in few: It is unfit to keep all Perlons unmarried that are unmeet for the Communion, be- ing Infidels and unbaptized and prophane Perlons may marry : and it is unmeet to forcefuch to receive the Communion the fameDay that theyMarry. If it wererequifste to put the private Work of vifiting the Sick,into thepublick Liturgyof the Church ; yet the Variety of theCafes of the Sick is filch, that theta Forms are nor .(Arable toall. In