Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

318 - The LIFE òf, the I B. I. 6. That the religious Obfervation of Saints-days appointed to be kept as Ho- ly-days, and theVigils thereof withoutany Foundation (as we conceive) in Scrip. cure, may be omitted. That if any- be retained, they may be called Feftivalr, and not Holy-days, nor made equal with the Lord's -day, nor have any peculiar fervice hppointed for then, nor the People be upon loch Days forced wholly to abstain horn Work, and that the Names of all others now infcrted in the Calender which are not in the firlt and fecond Books of Edward the fixth, may be left our. 7. That the Giftof Prayer, being one fpecial Qualification for theWork of the Miniftry bellowed by Chrift in ord.r to the Edification of his Church, and to be exercilèd for the profit and benefit thereof, according to its various and emergent necefliity; It is defired that there may be no fuch imposition of the Liturgy, as that theexercife of that gift be thereby totally excluded in any part of Publick Worfhip. And further, confidering the great Age of Tome Miniflers, and Infirmities of o- thers, and the variety of feveral Services oft-times concurring upon the fame day, whereby it may be inexpedient to requireevery Minilter, at all times to read the whole s Ir may be left to the diCretion of theMinifler, to omit part of it, as occa- . fron.Ihallrequire : which liberty we find to be allowed even in the firlt Common Prayer Bookof Edward 6. 8. That in regardof the many Defeáts which have been obferved in that Verfi- onof the Scriptures, which is ufed throughout the Liturgy ( manifold Inftances whereof may be produced, as in theEpiille for the first Sunday after Epiphany, ta- kenout cf Raritan r a. I. Be ye changed in yourflrape ; And the Epifilefor the Sunday next before Eafrer, taken out of Philippians a. e. Found in hr's apparel as aware ; as al- fh the Epilbe for the fourth Sunday in Lent, takenour of the fourth ofthe Galati- ans, Mount Sinai is Agar in Arabia, and bordereth upon the City which is now called 7erufalene. The Epiltle for St. Matthews Day takr.u,out of the fecond Epifile of Corinth. and the 4th. We go net out of Kind. The Gofpel for the fecond Sunday af- ter Epiphany, taken out of the fecond of John, When Men be drunk. The Gofpel for the thirdSunday in Lent, taken out of the rtth of Luke, One Rolfe. daub fall upon another. TheGofpel for the Annunciation, taken out of the heft of Luke, 7búú the fixth Month which was called barren'', and many other places) we therefore deliire inffead thereof the New Tranllation allowed by Authority may alone be ufed. 9. That inpfcnuch as the holy Scriptures are able to make us wife unto Salvation, to fùrnilh us throughly unto all good Works, and contain its them all Brings necef- fàiÿ, either inDoótrine tobe believed, or in Duty to be pra&ifed ; whereas divers Chaptersof the Apocryphal Books appointed to be read, are Charged to be inboth refpehls, of dubious and uncertain credit : It is therefore defired, that nothing be read in the Church for Dons, but the IlolyScriptures of the Old and New Te- ftament. to. That the Minifterbe not required to rehearfe any part of. the Liturgy or the Communion-Table, fàve only thofe parts which properlybelong to the Lord's Sup. per ; and that at loch times only when the Paid holy Supper is adnaini(lred. r r. That as the Word (Minifter) and not Prieft, or Curate, is pled in the Abfolu- tien, and in divers other places; it may throughout the whole Book be fo pled in- Bead ofthole two Words -; and that inllead of the Word Sunday, the Word Lards- day, may be every whereufed. tu. Becaufe ringing of Pfitlms is a confiderable part of publick Worthip, we de- fire that the Verson fee forth and allowed to be lung in Churches, may be amen- ded, or that we may have leave to make ufe of a purerVerfron. r;. That all obfolete Words in the Common-Prayer, and filch whofe ufe ischan- ged from their firlt Lgnificancy (as Aread) ufed in theGofpel for the Monday and Wednefìlay before Eafger [Then opened he their Wits] ufed in the Gofpel for Earle,. Tuelday, &v. may be altered unto other Words generally received, and better un- derflood. 14. That no Portions of the Old- Teftament, or of the Adis of the Apofties, be called EpifIles, and read as fuck. ay. That whereas throughout the feveral Offices, the Phraf isfuch as prefumes all Perkins (within the Communion of the Church) to be regenerated, converted, and in anadual flareof Grace (which, had Ecelefraf tcal Difcipline been truly and vigoroufly executed, in the Exclufion of Scandalous and obllinate Sinners, might bebetter fuppofed : But there having been, and (till being a confeffedwant of tf'at (as in the Liturgy is acknowledged) it cannot be rationally admitted in the uanoft Latitude of Charity.) We delre that this may be reformed. 16. That