PART II. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. 323 Kubrick. Chen Mall failotn the Collect Of the . atibitp, Which Mall be fail conttnuaiiP unto New -years -day. The Colle67 for Whitfunday. Rubrick. GMWitch upon thtO bap, U. Rubrick. the fame Collect to be real tit 9l3 ontup anti tnetbap in Whitfon- week. Rubrick. the tino ttoltectO fol et. John's Dap, anti Innocents, tje toflettg fol the fielt Dap inLent, fol the fourth gitutbap after Eaffer, fol Trinity Sunday , fol the Ott» anti ttoelfth etinbap afterTrinity, fol et.Luke'D DAp, anti Michaelmas Dap. Exception. We defire that thefe Colledts may be further confrdered and debated,as having in them, divers things that we judge fit to be altered. The Order for the Adminifiration of the Lord's Supper. Rubrick. 5 amane no intenti to be patta. kerO of the 1 olp Communion lijali fignifie trier 3naateo to the Curate ober.ingijt, of elfe in the 9olníng befog the beginning of Molníng Plater, Ol itliiUebtnteip after. Rubrick. unti if anp of there be a notalt' 011g nil fiber, the Crate babille Unotntetige thereof, Mali call Ijtm, anti atibeet* him in imp Wife not to inefmne to theLoil "O sable. Exception. THeE time here afligned for notice to be given to theMinifter, is not fa . ficient. Rubrick. 1Lbeultijait fije;3liefi rehearfetit ffinttip all the tenurommanumentg, dial the peoplekneeling,fíjatt after ¢let'p utammaltninent agit 0013'0 mercp fol tranfgreffing the fame. Exception. We defire the Minifters power both to admit and keep from the Lord's Ta- ble, may be according to his Majelly's Declaration zp Otlob. 166o. in there words, The Minifler (hall admit none to the Lord's Supper, till they have made a credi- ble Profefion of their Faith , and promifed Obedience to the Will ofGod, according as ü ezpreffid in the Confderations of the Rubrick, before the Catecbifm, and that all poffible di- ligence be ttfed for thelnllruc7ion and Refer- mátion Of Scandalous Offenders , whom the Minifler fball not Puffer to partake of the Lord's Table, until they have openly declared themfelves tohave truly repented andamend. ed their former naughty lives, as hi partly expreffid in the Rubrick, and more fully in the Canons. Exception. We defire, a. That the Preface, prefixed by God himfelfto the ten Commandments, may be reffored. z. That the fourth Coenmandment may be read, as in Exod. xò. Deut. T. Ha bleffed the Sabbath day. 3. That neither Minifter nor People may be enjoyned to kneel more at the readingofthis,than ofother partsof Scrip. T t z tores