324. The LIFE of the B. j, tures, the rather becaufe many ignorant Perfons are thereby induced to ufe the Ten Commandments as a Prayer. 4. That inftead of thofe fhort Prayers of the People, intermixed with the ft- veral Commandments, the Minifter after the reading of all may conclude with a fuitable Prayer. Rub! ick. after the Creed, tf there be no iermon, 8)411 foliotn one of taje afterttoberlettifoltbbpljcommon atttbolttp. Biter fucb germon, 1pomtlp, of e.xholtatton, the Curate iball De, Blare, &c. anti eatneBlp Molt them to remember the pen, taping one of niole of tbefe fentencect fol. louttng. Chen tba11 the eburclj.loapDen0, of force Other bp them appotnteD, gatijer theDevotion of the pea, pie. Exhortation. Z[ ä1e be come together at tern time to feeDat the Logo upper, unto the ttthích to bebaif 31 btD peu all that be bete plefent,anb befeeclj pou fol toe ILO1O efu0 itLbrtit lake that pe toil' not refute to come, &c. Zbe loopalomono thereto ÍO fiai to examine pour libea aub eon, berfatton )), anti it pe 8jall percetbe pour offence0 to be fuck act be not onip agatnlf 000, but an ogatng pour i0etgbbouro, then pe tbali re, concile pour felbeb unto tbem, anti be =tip to make .eltttuttonano tbati0faftton. Ann becaufe it to tequtfite that no matt tboutti come t0 the bole QCOnimulitoli, but utitb a full tru8 ín 000 tnercp ano tottb a quiet igonicietice. Before the Cpnfeffton. Vbeu ¡ball tfjto general QCoufef fion be 1nnDe in the name of all thole teat are minDe)) to reeeibe theó01p Communion either bp one of them, of elfe bp one of the 1l tnifer)), 01 bp tee Mien btmfelf. Beforethe Confelfron. then 81411 the 1pltetf Ol the l i hijop (being plefent) Ban)) up, anti turning bimfelf to the people lap Ono. Before the Preface on ChriiImas day, and 7 days after. 'l5ecaufe tbott tire¡ gibe 3efub QCljritt tljine onlpBou to be bolli a0 tbtO Dap for up, &c. Exception. We defire, that the Preaching of the Word may be ftrietly enjoined, and not left fo indifferent at the Adminiftration of the Sacraments, as allò that lvfininers may not be bound to thole thingswhich are are as yet but future and not in being. Two of the Sentences here cited are Apocryphal, and four of them more pro- per to draw out the Peoples Bounty to their Minifters, than their Charity to the Poor. Colle&ion for the Poor may bebetter made at or a little before the departing of the Communicants. If it be intended that theft Exhorrati. ons fhould be read at the Communion, they feem to us to be unfeafonable. We fear this may difcouragemany from coming to the Sacrament, who lye un- der a doubting and troubled Confci- ence. We defire it maybe made by the Mi- nuter only. Exception. The Minifter turning himfelf to the People is molt convenient throughout the whole Miniltration. FirgE, We cannot peremptorily fixthe Nativity of our Saviour to this or that day particularly : Secondly, it Items in. congruous to affirm the Birth of Chrift Upon