PART II. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. 25 Upon Wbafunday, and fix days of and the defçending of the Holy Ghoftto - ter. be on this day for lèvera oreightdays to ilccotntng to whore mots true gether. Nonlife Dapfrom¡Peahen. cameUlm Prayer before that which is at the Confecration. 0152.ant uri that out fitful boniea map be mane clean bp MO 13onp, ano our emuwatijeD tilDugh ila mot pleCiono nlcon. Prayer at theConfecration. Pear nog) merciful/atier, &c. lobo in the fame nightthat he Mao betrapeD, took Mean, anti Katie ban giben thankD, he butte it, ono garree,éat i & Utfcipiea , taping, Rubrick. We delire, that whereas there Words feem to give a greater efficacy to the Blood chan to the Body of Chrift, they may be altered thus, That our fsnfnl foals and bodies may be cleanfed through bes preci- ous Body and Blood. We conceive that the manner of the confecratingof the Elements is not here explicite and dittinctenough,and theMi. Hitters breaking ofthe Bread is not fomuch as mentioned. Shen fhafl the t fnftfet fief re= We delire, that at the Diftribution of Cabe tie communion itt noti the Bread and Wine to the Communi- ktnDa, fl:c. anti after Deftber it to cants, we may ufe the Words of our the people to tiieiecanna kneeling; Saviour as near as may be, and that the ano mien fje lieitbereth the brean, Minifter be not required to deliver the be [hall lap, The Bodyof our Lord lefts, Bread and Wine into every particular Cbrift; which was given for thee, preferve Communicants hand, and to repeat the tby body and foulunto everlajiing Life, and words to each one in the fingular mina- rake andeat this in Remembrance, &c. ber, but that it may fuffice to 1peak them to divers jointly, according to our Sa- viours Example. We alfo delire, that the Kneeling at the Sacrament (it being not that Gefture which the Apoftles ufed, though Chrift was perfonally prefent amongst them, northat whichwas ufed in the pureft and primitive times of the Church) may be left free, as it was r. and z. EDW. As touching Kneeling, &c. they may be ufedor left as every Mans Devotion ferveth, with- out blame. Rubrick. Exception. anti note, tiat eberp I3atflfjto. Forafmuch as everyParifbioner isnot du- nee Iball (Communicate at tie ly qualified for the Lord's Supper, and leatl three times in the pear, of thole habitually. prepared are not at all witch Eager to be one, anti Mall ale times afivally difpofed, but many may fo receibe tie ,8tacramenta anti o= be hindered by the Providence of God, tier tatted, accolding to theOz. and fome by theDifemper of their own nera in tifa 'Book appointeD Spirits; we delire this Rubrick maybe either whollyomitted, or thus altered: Every Minifter shall be bound to ad- minifter the Sacramentof the Lord'sSup. per at lean thrice a Year, provided there be a due number of Communicants tna- nifefting their Delires to receive. And we delire that the followingRubrick in the Common-Prayer-Book in S and 8 Edw. eftablifhed by Law as much as any other part of the Common- Prayer- Book, maybe reflored for the vindicating of our Church in the matter of Kneel- ing at the Sacrament (although the GeBure be left indifferent) [r' Although no or- s der canbe fo perfectly devifed, but it may be of tome, either for their Ignorance tand Infirmity, or elfe ofMalice and Obftinacy, mifconlrued, depraved, and in- terpreted ina wrong part ; and yet, becaufe brotherly Charity willeth thatfo much "es