Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

PAR T IL ReverendMr. Richard Baxter. 321 to the 9Cpftttal Wafting atuap of etn, &c. The third Exhortation. Do pi'omíte bp pou that be their ettutetteo. The Quehiotis. ál)oelf thoufoÈfake, &c. Doeff thou beliebe, &c. Wett thoube 713apti;eD, &c. The fecund Prayer before Baptifm. Map, tactile temtffion of $anti bpfpttttuat3&egenetattott. In the Prayer after Baptifm. Viet it bath pieafeb On to te- generate OW 3nfant bp tijp CjoCp epttit After Baptifm. Chen liiail the Vlteff make a Concerning the Crofs inBaptifm, we etofo, &c. refer toour 18th General. Chrift's being baptized, and not need.- fary to be afferted, wedelire this may be otherwife expreffed. We know not bywhat right theSure- ties do promife and anfwer in the Name of the Infant: it leemech to us alto td countenance the Anabaptillical Opini- on of the necë(Iity of an aetual Profel- liion of Faith and Repentance in Order to Baptifm. That filch a Profeflion may be required of Parents in their own Name , and now folemnly renewed when they prefent their Children to Bap. tifm, we willingly grant : but theasking of one for another is a Pradice whole warrant we doubt of; and therefore we defre that the two first Interrogatories may be put to the Parents to be anfwer- ed in their own Names, and the laft propounded to the Parents or Pro - parents thus, Willyou bave this Child Baptized in- to this Faitb? This expreffìon feeming inconveni- ent, We delire it may be changed into this; May be regenerated and receive the Remiuon of Sine. We cannot in Faith fay, that every Child that is baptized is regenerated by God', Holy Spirit; at leaf it is a difputa- ble point, and therefore wedelire je may be otherwife expreffed. Of Private Baptifm. 117E delire that Baptifm may not be adminiftred in a private place at VV any time, unlefs by a lawful Miniher, and in the pretenceof a compe- tent Number : That where it is evident that any Child bath been fo baptifed, no part of the Adminiftrationmay be reiterated in publick, under any Limitations And therefore we fee no need of anyLiturgy in that Cafe.